
Submission by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online

Book: Submission by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: submission
pleasure, not pain.'
    'Then she'll fucking well have pain!' Hannah spat. 'Help me to turn her over and we'll give her the Fowler treatment!'
    Struggle as she might, Rebecca couldn't stop the other two girls as they rolled her over and retied the ropes. Now her young body lay rudely open, her limbs spread to reveal the femininity between her slim thighs. Degraded, humiliated, she turned her head and closed her eyes as if to shut the scene out. But as much as Emily tried to deny her own arousal, to deny the cunt juice trickling from her twitching hole to wet her knickers, she couldn't turn her head away.
    'Fetch me a pair of scissors,' Hannah ordered angrily.
    'What for?' Emily asked fearfully, her eyes still transfixed between Rebecca's thighs.
    'This girl condones Fowler's methods, the way he treats innocent young women. She knows that he sexually abuses them, sells them to perverts - destroys their very being. I'll treat her as he treats them. Now fetch me the scissors!'
    Returning with the scissors, Emily gazed wide-eyed as Hannah extended the girl's nipple and placed it between the sharp blades.
    'Talk, or lose your nipple!' she blasted.
    'All right, I'll talk!'
    Releasing the elongated bud, Hannah tossed her hair over her shoulder and waited.
    'My name is... My name is Rebecca Evans.'
    Hannah dropped the scissors as she repeated the girl's stunning revelation. 'Rebecca Evans!'
    'Yes. Richard Evans is my father.'
    'Christ!' Emily breathed. 'Her father? He isn't going to be too pleased about this, Hannah.'
    'I realize that! But don't you see? We have the ultimate prisoner! Evans's daughter! Now we will win the fight!'
    Ron Fowler paced the floor, glaring at Swain every time he passed her. 'We can't tell him!' he growled. 'It's stupidity! Letting her escape was...'
    'Perhaps she'll return. We don't know that she's been captured, do we?'
    'Why did you lose contact? And why did Richard do this behind my bloody back? I'd sent for Derek Hammond, he'd have followed her and... There's no bloody point in talking about it now, is there? Any word from Horsham yet?'
    'No, they're still searching. She may have got lost.'
    'Of course she didn't get lost, you stupid bitch!'
    'It was Evans's idea, not mine!' Swain snapped. 'He called me and ordered me to set it up, to let the girl escape. He didn't want you to know because... I used the cottage to...'
    'His idea to use Rebecca, was it? I thought you said that he told you to put a girl on the case? Not his own fucking daughter!'
    'She just happened to be here. There was no one else.
    Anyway, she volunteered. You know as well as I do that she's been trying to impress her father.'
    'Yes, but you shouldn't have let her do it! This is bloody ridiculous. A bunch of bloody lesbians cause all this trouble and there's nothing we can do about it? It's fucking madness! You've got to tell Evans, you've no choice.' Richard Evans switched his videophone off and sat back in his chair. His hands over his face, he sighed. 'A national grid transformer. Well done, Kelley.' Walking to the window he ran his fingers through his hair as he looked out over the Thames. 'Whatever next?' he asked himself as the videophone bleeped.
    'What can I do for you, Swain?'
    'Mr Evans, I have something to tell you,' Swain said softly.
    'Yes, I already know.'
    'I'm sorry, it was my fault. I...'
    'The grid transformer, your fault? What do you mean?'
    'No, no. It's Rebecca. She volunteered. I should have stopped...'
    'What are you talking about, woman?'
    'Rebecca... She went off With Emily Johnson and...'
    'You sent my daughter? Christ, woman! Are you mad? Where is she now?'
    'That's just it, we don't know. We lost contact. The homing device...'
    'Where the fuck's Fowler?'
    'I'm right here,' Fowler interrupted.
    'I want my daughter back within two hours! I don't care what you do or how you do it - just return her to me within two hours!'
    'Yes, I'll...'
    Evans switched the videophone off, leaving Fowler staring open-mouthed at

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