Suicide Med

Suicide Med by Freida McFadden Read Free Book Online

Book: Suicide Med by Freida McFadden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Freida McFadden
entirely sure that’s true.
    “I guess it’s good they have her though,” Abe says. “Especially after, you know, what happened.”
    I stare at him. With all the studying, I never got around to checking out Rachel’s story about the yearly suicides. In all honesty, I was hoping she just made it up and didn’t want to know the truth. But Abe is different—he doesn’t lie to me. Now I wish I had done that web search.
    “So it’s true?” I ask him. “There have been… suicides?”
    Abe looks very uncomfortable all of a sudden. “Well, yeah.”
    “I didn’t know about it,” I confess.
    “Oh,” he mumbles, taking a bite of his pretzel. “Well, it’s not, you know, something people like to advertise at the interviews, I guess.”
    I swallow a big hunk of pretzel and taste cinnamon still stuck to my teeth. “So what happened?”
    “You really want to know?”
    “I’m asking, right?”
    Abe sighs and runs a hand through his short red hair. “For the last six years, every year there’s been one student who has…well, killed himself. Or herself.”
    “Geez,” I breathe. “Like, how?”
    He shakes his head. “I don’t know every story. One jumped off the roof of the hospital. One swallowed a bottle of sedatives. One guy jumped into the Southside River, I think. And then last year, this guy… he had a gun and he shot his girlfriend, then shot himself.”
    I clasp my hand over my mouth. “Oh my God.”
    “Apparently, Patrice was here last year, so lot of good she did them,” Abe says. He glances up at my face then adds, “Sorry. I shouldn’t have told you.”
    “I asked you,” I point out.
    “Yeah, well…” He sighs. “Let’s talk about something else. Something more pleasant.”
    “Like our upcoming exam?” My stomach churns just saying the words.
    Abe smiles crookedly. “Yeah. How’s studying going?”
    “It’s going.”
    He takes a swig of Coke. “Listen, I’m getting burned out on studying alone. Do you want to meet in the histology labs tomorrow and go over stuff?”
    In college, Seth always used to quiz me on information and it really helped me. I didn’t think I’d find anyone here to do that with me, but it seems like Abe is ready and willing. And he’s really nice. Forget Rachel—maybe Abe can be my new BFF. Even though he’s a boy .
    “Yeah, o kay,” I say. “But make it the library, okay?”
    A lot of people study at the histology labs, and I gave it a try last week. Except when I walked in there, one of my classmates was sitting there all alone with his books open and his pants completely unzipped. I got the hell out of there ASAP.
    “The library works for me,” Abe says and beams at me.
    I smile back at him, and then all of a sudden, I feel my head start to spin. For one crazy second, I get this horrible vision, but it just seems so vivid and real, almost like it’s really happening:
    I am lying in a bed, and Abe is standing over me, his gentle features twisted into a grimace, holding a butcher knife in his right hand...
    Slowly, he brings the knife down upon my body and my eyes fly open just i n time to see the blade enter my gut…
    There’s blood everywhere: on the sheets, on the floor, on my hands. And Abe’s lips curl into a twisted smile…
    And then, as suddenly as it came, the image vanishes. And all I can see is Abe smiling pleasantly across the table at me.
    Man, I really have to lay off the sugar.

Chapte r 6
    I may not be great at anatomy, but I have become a Master of Procrastination (MoP).
    I was all right at procrastinating in college. I mean, I always managed to get on Facebook a few times during the course of any study session. But this year, I’ve really stepped it up. It seems like every time I really need to study, I end up becoming desperately curious what all my former friends from high school are up to. And then I try to figure out what that song in my head is. And take a few online quizzes. And read about a hundred Tweets.

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