Summer Shorts

    Summer Shorts are brief, erotic stories, just long enough to get you sizzling. Each story takes place in the small town of Carnal, where it’s always burning, no matter what the season.
    Carnal is a small town where you learn early on to always “accommodate your neighbor’s needs,” as Joe Murphy mentions in the first story, “The Sitter Needs a Ride.” Joe should know: he has offered a teenage girl from the local church an opportunity to earn the esteem of her aunt by babysitting his children. Imagine Joe’s surprise, then, when he discovers that young Gloria Dean is blowing some boy when she is supposed to be watching his kids. After getting rid of the boy, Joe will have to take Gloria home in his car. But before the night is through, Joe’s Volvo may not be the only thing sweet Gloria will get to ride.
    All the girls in these stories are strong and independent. They’re smart. The girls from Summer Shorts have hidden reserves they may not even fully understand themselves. In “Sex Anonymous,” Don Manley finds a lonely transient girl who calls herself Natasha at one of Carnal’s local Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and offers her a lift home. Natasha wants something from Don. He will yield to his own needs time and again, eventually deciding to give this young girl a little surprise, but he may be in for a small, pleasant surprise of his own.
    Whatever awaits Don, it will not be the kind of surprise that young Roger Bones receives from Joanie Salinger, the blue-haired girl wearing a Carnal High T-shirt in the story, "Goodbye Roger." This sexy little tart leaves us with found footage that documents her shameless cuckolding of her former boyfriend, who presumably cheated on her, and probably deserves everything he gets. Especially if what he got was a copy of this sweltering video produced just for him by this little hottie.
    Summer Shorts is an adult work that features three short stories totaling about 5000 words or twenty printed pages.

The Sitter Needs a Ride

    Going into his garage, Joe Murphy hears a soft moan coming from behind a few tall stacks of cardboard boxes, donations meant for the local Goodwill.
    Joe’s a big man, with an athletic build. He moves closer, quietly.
    He sees first the boy: Cotton T-shirt stretched tight across thick shoulders, pants pushed down around mid-thigh, the muscles in his bottom clenched. He has his head tossed back as he holds his T-shirt high on his abdomen.
    Gloria, the new babysitter, is on her knees at the boy’s feet.
    He has one of his hands wound into her long dark hair, guiding her head. She is kneeling on a short stack of newspaper bundled for recycling, her blouse open to her waist. Joe can see the straps of her bra, the soft white of her tummy. He can just make out the shadow of her navel above the thick buckle of her belt. The soft moans come from the boy.
    Annoyed Gloria is blowing some boy when she is supposed to be watching his kids, Joe is also a little pleased to have caught her in the act. She is an attractive girl, maybe eighteen or nineteen, Mediterranean skin, a large hawk nose and thick eyebrows that somehow complement her, even if those same features dominate her face. When Joe first met Gloria at the social in Saint Barnaby’s basement, he could tell she didn't think much of her looks. This just gave her a shy accommodating sensibility that made her that much more appealing to him. Gloria was spending the summer in Carnal with her Aunt Louise, an Italian woman who Joe knew, but didn't know well, from the after service church socials. Louise was a small, popular woman, with a sturdy choir voice. At the start of summer, she had volunteered Gloria for babysitting Joe’s twin boy and girl ten-year-olds. Joe knew his kids didn't really need a sitter, but he got the sense that Gloria needed to prove something to her aunt, or vice versa, so he went along with the plan. In a small

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