
Sunlord by Ronan Frost Read Free Book Online

Book: Sunlord by Ronan Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronan Frost
ancient ones are the forest, they
are the trees. They are the air around us." He waved his hands
before him, as if touching something unseen. "They sculpted the
world in the beginning of time and brought life to their creation.
The evidence of their presence is felt in many storms - the thunder
is the sound of their voices reminding their children they are
being watched." The Elder's wide lidless eyes glazed over, his
mouth moving of its own accord, the old tribal story flowing freely
from his lips. "In the days before our world the ancient ones, or
the Mo'tarsh as they call themselves, were like us. They lived and
breathed air and walked upon soil many generations ago, a time so
lost and far away it is beyond any Eloprin's understanding. The
story of their rise is another story, the legend of Mo'hara. In
short, they rose up into the sky on wings of light, leaving behind
great monuments to mark their passing."
    Myshia nodded. She had twice visited the Hanging
Stones as part of a regular tribal religious ceremony. The Hanging
Stones was a great wall of ruins, stone worn and chipped away with
time, a tangle of vines growing through towering, leaning pillars.
It was said that the site had once been a home for the ancient
    "When the Mo'tarsh departed this earth they left
behind a gift - the seed of life. That seed created the first of
the Eloprin, the fountain of life from which we have all sprung
    Myshia smiled. She had heard the legend many times
before yet every time the Elder told it he seemed to put extra life
into it. She stirred, finishing the tale. "And the Mo'tarsh remain
as the stars overhead, the eyes of their souls watching their
    The Elder grinned. "You make a good storyteller."
After a pause he added, "It is getting late. Did you wish to rest
    Myshia cast a fugitive look at the Currach sleeping
nearby. "I would prefer not to. I don't know if he was the man in
the wolf mask in my dream."
    "Very well. If you will feel more comfortable in your
hut, then I will escort you. Let's get you some rest."
    * * *
    The Vizier swam in a haze of dizzy lights and blurry
shapes. Pain fogged his mind and senses, fever creating terrible
    He awoke slowly, the fabric of the strange dream
fading to give way to harsh reality. The pain in his shoulder where
the drusk had mauled him had subsided. He remembered seeing the
drusk burst from the undergrowth, tusks flashing. He had struggled
and the world was a confusion of drusk hide, sweat and blood. From
there his mind was blank.
    He probed with his mind as consciousness slowly
returned. He was wrapped in furs and he felt the heat of a fire at
his back. His eyes cleared and he could see he was inside of a tent
like structure.
    Memory slowly returned. He had been in the forest for
weeks upon end searching for the Eloprin, the old maps his only
guide. The meeting at the odium seemed so long ago and the city so
distant as he trekked through the treacherous jungle.
    But where was he now?
    He started as a voice whispered in his ear.
    "Easy now. Drink some of this, it will make the pain
    Thoughts flashed through the Vizier's mind. The voice
was not like any Currach's; the accent was deep and guttural.
Emphasis was placed on the wrong words and it was spoken so
differently it almost sounded an alien language.
    "Where am I?" he mumbled weakly.
    He felt a spoon at his parched lips and a warm soup
dribbled into his mouth. He swallowed greedily as his hunger was
    He lost consciousness soon after and did not wake
until four hours later.
    Capac was looking over the Currach when he awoke the
second time. He hailed the Elder and together they watched as the
Currach drew himself together.
    "Who are you?" he asked blearily.
    The Elder stepped forward. "We are Eloprin. It seems
you ran into some trouble in the forest. What were you doing out
    "You're Eloprin? I've come to seek your aid." The
Currach coughed and wiped the back of his

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