Suzie's SS Spanking Story

Suzie's SS Spanking Story by Sam Kinkaid Read Free Book Online

Book: Suzie's SS Spanking Story by Sam Kinkaid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Kinkaid
Tags: Romance, BDSM, Fascism, Lesbian, kinky, power play, humour adult, occupation, naziploitation
Suzie’s SS
Spanking Story
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Published by
Sam Kinkaid. 2015

    Also by Sam
Get Your Freak On Girl!
Spanking The All American Girl
Zombie Whip
A Feminist Spanking Story
Kinky Space Vixen
    Sam Kinkaid
asserts his right to be identified as the author of this work

    All characters are over


Europe. September 1941.
    The Republic of
Kinkaslavia was a small and mountainous nation located in South
Eastern Europe between Greece and Albania. For years its hardy yet
unfortunate people had been hounded and harried by the great
powers, a mere pawn in the great game of nations. Now, however,
this plucky nation was facing its greatest threat to date. The
German armies had swept in at the end of last year and had rapidly
destroyed the courageous conscript army, scattering them into the
wind and ruthless taking control of their cities and industries. A
few brave souls had retreated into the mountains, there to harry
and harass the Wehrmacht as best they could. To the extreme east of
the country, however, lay the city of Loadz. Loadz was not an
especially attractive place. It would not feature too highly on the
travel itinerary of any adventurous western tourist looking to
sample the finest culture of Eastern Europe. It was rather a small
industrial city centred around its coal mining industry. Damp,
dusty and dirty at the best of times the city was also home to the
largest contingent of Novans in the country. The Novans were a dark
haired travelling people who originated from the Russian Steppes.
The east of the city was their territory. They had lived in
battered apartments and grown up amongst the factory fumes because
there was no place else for them to go. It wasn’t much of a home
but it was theirs, and they were determined to defend it at all
costs. It was precisely because of their defiant, hardy nature that
the Novans were, at this point, providing the only real resistance
to the Nazi menace in any city throughout Kinkaslavia. In the
eastern side of the capital city a small group of fighters still
held out in the strategically important industrial sector. The
Nazis, of course, detested the Novan people, had detested them even
before they had invaded Kinkoslavia but now hated them even more
for the beacon of resistance they were providing. They considered
the Novans the lowest of the low from a racial point of view, had
marked them out as sub-humans to be ruthlessly exterminated at all
    Lucius Van Hect
was a tall and striking man with light brown hair and blue eyes
that would otherwise have seemed kindly. There was no denying he
was a handsome man but in hate his face was twisted into a grimace.
At thirty-two years old he had grown up a loyal adherent to the
Nazi movement which in turn had done nothing except promote him. In
the two years of war so far he had marked himself out as a problem
solver, was seen as a man with neither scruples nor remorse when it
came to getting a job done. His admirers lauded him from a distance
for he appeared to emanate a sense of danger from every pore. He
was an SS Colonel and it was his task to eliminate the threat posed
by the Novans at any cost.
    At this precise
moment in time Colonel Lucius Van Hect was addressing a gathering
of troops from the great chamber of the Grand Palace in the centre
of Loadz. At one point the palace had been the property of the
Imperial Kinkislavian dynasty who had been forced out by

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