Sweet Discipline

Sweet Discipline by Bonnie Hamre Read Free Book Online

Book: Sweet Discipline by Bonnie Hamre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Hamre
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
wasn’t quite truthful with that one, not after the way she’d responded to the way he touched her, but sex? No way!
    “For sure I don’t like you.”
    “That’s not important. Along with adopting some exercise habits, you’ll learn intimate techniques. When you earn your rewards, it won’t matter who taught you.”
    She shivered. “What rewards?”
    “I ask the questions.”
    Norris hesitated. She eased her weight from one foot to the other, stretching both her body and her viewpoint. If Adrian could teach her to seduce Jack, it would be worth whatever she had to go through. And no one would ever know. Client confidentiality worked both ways. She ran her tongue over her dry lips. Nodded.
    Bonnie Hamre
    “I have some instructions for you. Listen carefully.” His voice was crisp, impersonal, as if she hadn’t just agreed to have sex with him. Sex with the man who’d bound her? Hurt her? Talk about kinky!
    “First, you will wear a tunic when you are outside your rooms. Otherwise, you will be naked. “
    “Why? So you can get your jollies?”
    “My ‘jollies’ are my own concern. Being naked will help you remember your body at all times.”
    “As if I’ll forget how much I hurt!”
    “Your pain level will be your choice.” He paused to let her consider that. When she said nothing, he continued, “You will be clean at all times. This may mean several baths or showers a day as I decide.”
    Okay, she’d expected massages and mud baths. She could live with that. She nodded.
    “Your body will be mine to treat as necessary.”
    Uh-oh. This one, no matter that she’d signed that damn contract and had just agreed to sex, this one made her uneasy. Being tethered was more than enough. What else did he have in mind? She started to ask, but he overrode her voice.
    “Next, to learn respect for your body, you must be respectful. You will speak only when I give you permission. If you wish to say something, you may attract my attention by placing one finger beside your mouth. Like this.” He demonstrated, his long index finger resting beside her lips, facing inward. His finger was hard and warm. It was living proof that he was there with her, flesh and blood, not some heartless robot. She wished she could see him. Feel more than his finger. She parted her lips, as if inviting his finger in.
    He stepped back. “As I indicated before, you will kneel in my presence. You will keep the position I taught you earlier, but you will sit with your back straight and your chin tucked in.
    “You will look at me only when I give you permission.
    “If you are in need of anything, you will ask me and if I agree, I may grant it.”
    This smacked more and more of submission and domination, something she’d read about, but hadn’t ever experienced. She considered what that might mean. Her breasts tingled as she remembered some of the racier things she’d read. Bondage and physical restraints. Well, wasn’t she experiencing that right now? It hurt when she moved, and she felt powerless, tethered as she was to the bar above her head. He’d trussed her up here with no problem, proving he was stronger than she. If she had to ask for permission for what she wanted, that meant giving him additional power over her.
    Could she do that? Give up control over her body to a man she’d labeled odious and a bully not long ago? But then, there had to be something in submitting to someone else that kept people coming back for more. She’d heard that there was a tremendous sexual 30
    Sweet Discipline
    satisfaction in submission and domination. If she agreed to Adrian’s demands, would she find some of that satisfaction for herself?
    “From now on, I will be the only person you see. I will be everything to you.”
    She frowned. She’d taken it for granted that she’d be working with other people.
    Masseurs, skin care specialists, manicurists, and a dietician. Those were staff she’d find at any spa. But just him? That might be too

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