must confess that I am
restless already. According to plan, I stashed her body in the
cardboard box, set it by the side of the road, and drove away,
leaving her like a present under the Christmas tree of life. Who
will find her? What will their reaction be? Will they feel
reverence, pity, disgust? Dare I hope for a tingle of excitement?
And why am I worried? I feel like I’ve passed some invisible mark,
have entered new territory.
I’m ashamed to admit that I drove through
town on the way home. I’ve broken protocol. I’ve broken my own
rules. It was careless, I know. If there’s one thing I’ve learned
from your comments and encouragements is THE GOLDEN RULE—Never
Break Any Rules. That’s how we get caught.
Yet as I pulled away from that lonely little
box, I couldn’t help myself. I drove through campus, my blood
singing in my veins. I watched the innocents and felt myself stir.
I don’t know how long I can wait. The raging of my soul will be my
downfall, I fear. No, I know.
I must tell you, this blog has become a most
therapeutic exercise. Many thanks go out to TeddieB21 for the
suggestion. As a community, we all learn from one another.
I’ll join you again tomorrow, mes amis. Until
then… Keep on Killin’. Over!
Tuesday, March 6
Mes amis,
I find myself unable to concentrate. I’ve
been watching the news, waiting for any word of my treasure’s
discovery, and there has been nothing. NOTHING! I’m afraid.
Something must have gone wrong. The treasure was left in plain
sight. Maybe I should check, see if she’s still there.
I can hear TeddieB21 now, screaming at me
through his computer. No, you’re right, buddy. That would be bad.
It would be breaking the RULES. Never come back to the scene. I
know. I just have this longing building inside of me, and I can’t
seem to decide the best thing to do. This happened the last time,
with the fourth treasure. It took me three or four days to get over
the high, to sate my desire. If I can just get through a couple
more long nights, it will be fine, I’m sure.
I drove through campus again this morning.
There is another treasure waiting for me to loosen her from the
glories of this life, I can feel her. The vibration is back. It’s
too soon. I must make it go away.
On a higher note, work went well today. I
have been given a promotion. It means a bit more pay, so Donald,
I’ll be able to get you your payment for the tapes. They were
divine. I highly recommend you seek out Donald and browse through
his extensive collection. Those videos have gotten me through many
a bad night, I’ll tell you that. I wonder if I’d ever get over my
shyness long enough to allow myself to be filmed with one of my
I’ve rambled on long enough. There’s a movie
on soon I’d like to watch. I won’t tell you what it is, because
you’ll laugh at me. Suffice it to say I’ll rewrite my own
KOK. Over!
Wednesday, March 7
Mes amis,
They’ve got her!
The delay was my fault. I chose the site
poorly. I didn’t realize that there was a short detour on the
outside of town that rerouted incoming traffic to Route 41,
dropping visitors to the city downtown instead. No matter. She is
found now.
The outrage has made my blood simmer with a
yearning I’ve never felt before. The fifth treasure is certainly
affording me new experiences, and that’s what Elvis54 always says
is the most important aspect of our careers.
I TiVo’d all three newscasts. (That second
TiVo box certainly comes in handy—ha!) The investigation is in its
beginning stages, but as you all know, this is my favorite moment,
the second most exciting part of the process. Will they trace her
back to me? NEVER! Long Live the Serial Maniac!
KOK. Over!
Monday, March 12
Mes Amis,
Just back from work and heard some very bad
news. Smail466 has been taken.
It would behoove all of you to delve deep
into your operating systems and remove his correspondence. I’ll be
Roger Charlie; Mortimer Mortimer; Mortimer Charlie