Sweet Mystery
him?” Darcy went very still.
    “Can he be trusted? The Moutons have been
cheating our people for over one hundred years. Seems strange he
wants to hook up with Joves in a deal.”
    Darcy relaxed. “He has little choice since
our property lines intersect. If he wants to negotiate with
Pantheon, he has to work with me.”
    “Keep your eyes on him. You can bet he wants
more than he’s telling. And he’s just as devious as his grandfather
and father.” Henry stood up. “He won’t stop until he’s got what he
    “Mouton and I understand each other.” Darcy
brushed the front of his crisp, cotton shirt. “I know exactly how
to handle him.” He smiled up at Henry.
    “Humph,” was his grandfather’s only reply as
he started to leave. “I’m going to a meeting. Hello, cher.” Henry
pecked Toya on the cheek before continuing out the door.
    “Morning, Darcy” said Toya as she strolled
in. She dropped down in the chair that her grandfather had just
vacated. “I was driving by and saw your car.”
    “I see.” Darcy poured himself another coffee
from the pot, which was set on a large tray on a nearby table. “How
are you this fine morning?”
    “Okay. Have you talked to Simon?” she asked
in a rush. “He’s meeting with Rae. I don’t like it.”
    “You don’t like Simon talking to any female,
Toya. No wonder the man headed for the nearest exit not long after
you two were married.” Darcy did not mince words.
    Toya turned on him. “Let’s not get into
failed marriages, shall we? You haven’t done very well in that
area. Simon and I had our differences, but that doesn’t mean we
won’t resolve them. You, on the other hand–” She waved a hand in
the air.
    Darcy smiled. “It takes a special woman to
hold my interest.”
    “I suppose you’re referring to Rae Dalcour.
You enjoyed humping her in cemeteries for the thrill.” Toya smirked
at him.
    “Not our rendezvous of choice. I seem to
remember you were the one caught in St. Anthony Cemetery at the
tender age of fifteen with Roy Ballantine huffing away. Ring a
bell?” Darcy lifted an eyebrow at her.
    “Oh, shut up.” Toya wore a tight expression.
She fixed herself a cup of coffee. “The point is I don’t want that
woman anywhere near Simon. For some reason I’ll never understand,
she draws men to her like flies to a cow patty.”
    “Rae has a quick wit and she’s pretty – a
nice package.” Darcy looked thoughtful. “I’m not sure how she’d
react to me or I’d–”
    “You’d what? Don’t tell me you still find her
attractive? Oh, please.” Toya got up to pace.
    “We clicked like crazy. I still don’t
understand it.”
    “You’re not by yourself, believe me.” Toya
stood over him. “Don’t forget what Grandfather thinks about you and
    Darcy grinned. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what
Grandfather thinks these days.”
    “Brave words now that he’s long gone, Darcy,”
Toya sneered at him. “You just remember to stay away from her.
You’re not even divorced from that last moron.”
    “Katherine and I will be divorced by October.
I’ll be free.” Darcy frowned. “As for Simon, he’s strictly
interested in business. But maybe I’ll test the waters. It would be
nice to see her again.”
    “And what will your latest friend think of
all this? I mean, you finally got Katherine out of the way.” Toya
sat down again, a wicked gleam in her eye.
    Darcy gave her a cold look. “I don’t know
what you mean.”
    “Don’t you?”
    “Careful, Sister, I’ll only take so much.”
Darcy’s jaw muscle jumped.
    “Darcy, your sex life, interesting as it is
in its variety, is your affair.” Toya stared back at him without
flinching. “But we could get very rich with this Pantheon deal.
Don’t get so devious that you outsmart yourself. Ellis Mouton is
nobody’s fool.”
    “I know exactly what I’m doing. Haven’t
Grandfather and I always taken care of you?” Darcy gestured to her

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