Sweetheart Deal
    I even sampled the evening’s fare ahead of the actual reception: A $30,000 stateside wedding for a hundred guests in a major city would likely include a plated chicken or fish meal, a limited open bar, a serviceable DJ, and standard wedding cake. Here at the Hacienda de la Fortuna, the same money gets you a multi-course feast, Mariachi band, tequila tasting at the open bar, and late-night dessert bar.
    By the time I’d finished, it was time to meet up with the other bridesmaids for Makeup, hair, and pre-ceremony bonding with the bride .
    â€œAll you’ll need to do is read off the cue cards while the hotel stylists get the other bridesmaids ready,” Geo said as I changed out of my raspberry satin, halter-style bridesmaid’s dress and back into a fluffy white hotel-issue robe to pretend I was getting ready along with my fellow bridesmaids in the salon.
    As Family Frugalicious hair and makeup people finished touching me up and headed into the bride’s room to start on Anastasia, Geo handed me a photo of a pretty model with the very same flattering up-do I was sporting, complete with curly loose tendrils. “Hold this up to your face on my cue.”
    â€œGreat,” I said, following him into the salon to greet the bridesmaids—Body in a massage chair soaking her feet and hands in preparation for a mani-pedi , Hair in a stylist’s chair in front of a large mirror, and Face beside a big makeup kit with the Hacienda de la Fortuna roulette wheel emblazoned on the side.
    After our hellos, the manicurist took a seat on her low stool and Geo pointed me to my mark.
    The camera began to roll:
    â€œWhile having your bridesmaids do their own hair, makeup, and nails is obviously the most cost-effective way to primp for a wedding, most brides prefer to have a professional on hand for the big day.” I paused while the camera zoomed in on the hotel hairdresser, who’d begun to run her to fingers through Hair’s lovely honey blond tresses. “The thing is, hair and makeup can be a tricky proposition when you’re talking destination weddings. Assuming you don’t have a trusted stylist who would love a free trip in exchange for glamming up the wedding party, you will likely be using a local referred by your wedding planner.”
    Geo gave me a thumbs up as I continued.
    â€œIf so, be sure to check references from other brides, try to meet with whomever you’re planning to hire for your event beforehand, and, ideally, bring along a visual of what you want to look like on your wedding day.”
    As I held up the photo of my hairstyle, a curvaceous little woman in sausage-tight leggings came tottering past me. There was no missing that she’d coordinated her heavy eye shadow with her aquamarine pants and her lipstick with the fuchsia flowers dotting her top.
    â€œ Hola ,” she said, stopping beside Face and extending her hand. “I do your makeup.”
    â€œOkay …” Face said, returning her handshake and looking anything but okay.
    â€œHow you like?” the makeup artist asked.
    â€œAs subtle as possible?” Face asked, pleadingly.
    Hair looked equally nervous as her stylist began to tease the back of her hair. “Me too,” Hair added.
    â€œ Sí ,” one woman said.
    The other nodded with seeming nonrecognition.
    As the camera zeroed in on the four sisters, I stepped over to Geo. “Do you think they know what they’re doing?”
    Geo smirked. “Depends on your definition of subtle .”
    The makeup woman clicked open a case, pulled out what looked like a putty knife, and set to work on Face, who now looked downright petrified.
    Along with her sisters.
    â€œAnd action!” Geo announced.
    Face clasped her hands as if in prayer and closed her eyes.
    Out of the corner of mine, I noticed Jorge the concierge standing silently in the doorway of the salon. My resident butterflies began to flutter as he waved

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