Sweet's Journey

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Book: Sweet's Journey by Erin Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Hunter
though. With Alpha away on patrol, and everyone distracted by Moon’s pup-time.”
    â€œHow is she?” begged Sweet, craning her head to peer toward the noise from Moon’s den.
    â€œI don’t know.” Snap glanced grimly over her shoulder. “There’s obviously a problem. She was in pain, and—ah!”
    The sudden quietness was oppressive. Snap and Sweet stared at each other, and Sweet knew the hunt-dog felt the same sudden, awful fear as she did.
    Then Fiery broke the silence with a howl of joy. His deep voice was joined by Moon’s, feebler, but filled with relief and happiness.
    Snap’s ears pricked up. “The pups. They’re born!”
    She turned, and she and Sweet bounded toward the den together. As they reached it, Fiery was just emerging, the strainon his blunt face still visible through the pride and pleasure.
    â€œThree fine pups,” he announced gruffly. “Two males and a female!”
    The drawling voice made every dog turn, as Alpha padded toward the den, his ears pricked in mild curiosity.
    â€œThank you, Alpha,” Fiery dipped his head respectfully, but his tail still wagged with irrepressible happiness.
    â€œThree fine pups? That’s good news for the Pack.” That seemed to be the extent of Alpha’s interest, though, because he turned to Sweet and Snap, his face becoming grim. “You two, and Beta . . . come with me.”
    Her stomach heavy with foreboding, Sweet followed him, together with Snap and Beta. A rabbit-chase from the other dogs, Alpha turned and sat on his haunches, then stared at them each in turn.
    â€œHow did coyotes get into this camp?” he asked. His tone was too quiet, too calm.
    Sweet opened her jaws to explain, but again Beta was too fast for her. “They got in from that direction,” said the red dog, jerking her muzzle toward Sweet’s patrol zone. “ She was supposed to be guarding that spot, I think?”
    â€œI went to find Fiery!” Sweet looked desperately from Beta’s sly face to Alpha’s. “We all—the dogs who were here agreed that Moon needed her mate. I was the fastest!”
    â€œThat’s no reason to abandon your post!” snapped Alpha.
    â€œBut I didn’t! Beta said she’d cover for me!”
    â€œLiar.” Beta’s low snarl made Sweet’s blood run cold. “I haven’t seen you all day.”
    Sweet opened her jaws, but no sound would come out. Of course, if Beta had been lured away somehow—if she’d been distracted enough to allow the coyotes to breach their boundaries—she would want to play down her own mistake. But did she have to lie and blame everything on Sweet? Sweet’s nerves prickled with fear and disbelief.
    They’ll think I ran away—again. . . . It’s happening again! I’m the Dog Who Ran Away. . . .
    â€œBut I didn’t!” she barked out loud in panic. “I didn’t run away!”
    â€œYou two.” Alpha glared at Snap and Beta. “Leave us.”
    Snap shot Sweet a sympathetic look, but Beta’s eyes were cunning and vindictive as she slunk away. Sweet swallowed hard as their pawsteps faded into the trees. Then she turned, skin quivering, to face Alpha. His stern yellow stare was unnerving.
    â€œYou’re putting me in a very difficult position, Sweet,” he growled softly. “Making these puppish errors.”
    â€œI’m sorry, Alpha. I misunderstood. I thought that Beta—”
    â€œYou’re just getting used to Wild Pack life. . . .” He interrupted as if she hadn’t spoken. “So I have to make allowances. I won’t punish you as you should be punished. Not this time.”
    Sweet dipped her head. It was probably best to keep silent, she decided, though confusion and anger stirred in her gut.
    â€œNext time, you’ll find I’m not so

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