Talking Dirty with the CEO

Talking Dirty with the CEO by Jackie Ashenden Read Free Book Online

Book: Talking Dirty with the CEO by Jackie Ashenden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ashenden
    Beautiful. She was so goddamn beautiful.
    Condoms. Where the hell were the condoms? God, he wasn’t going to be able to wait a second longer. He groped in the topmost drawer, finding what he was looking for. It took only a moment to rip open the packet, another moment to undo his jeans and sheath himself, and then, the most glorious moment of all, that last heavenly second as he thrust inside her, hearing her gasp of pleasure, feeling her legs wrap around him, the tight, wet heat of her surrounding him, gripping him.
    Joseph groaned right along with her, his mouth pressed against the base of her throat. It was all he could do to keep himself under control, to hold himself back until she was ready.
    But in the end, he didn’t need to do much in the way of holding back, because she was as ready as he was. Arching against him, her arms wound tight around his neck, she cried out as he drew his hips back, sliding out of her and then in again, deep and hard, setting up a rhythm that had her shuddering, panting, her moans hoarse in his ears.
    So good. If he wasn’t careful he’d lose himself. Not a bad idea, all things considered.
    He raised his head and kissed that luscious mouth of hers again, cutting off the sounds she made. No, she didn’t taste like champagne. She tasted way better. He couldn’t get enough. He wanted more.
    His kisses became hungry and hot, and she followed him every step of the way. Inexperienced but in no way disappointing. In fact, it only added to her allure. Perhaps this was new for her. Perhaps she was finding this as intense as he was.
    Oh God, he hoped so, because he was ready to explode here. And if she wasn’t…
    Abruptly, Naughtygirl’s head fell back and her body tightened around him, her legs a vise around his waist. She gave a desperate, raw cry, almost of anguish, as the climax ripped through her. Joseph closed his eyes and turned his face against her throat, letting himself go right along with her, the pleasure shooting along his nerve endings, firing him up.
    Afterward, it was a long time before he could move. A long time before he could speak. A long time before his hands lost their death grip on her hips.
    She waited against him, barely breathing. And then, so suddenly that it took him by surprise, she pushed him away with all her strength. He fell back, stumbling, reaching to pull his jeans up. But by the time he had, it was too late. She’d slipped off the vanity and was out the door before he could even protest.
    As he hauled his jeans up, cursing, he heard the sound of the front door of the apartment slam.
    Naughtygirl25 had run out on him for the second time that evening.

Chapter Three
    The barbarian warrior on Christie’s screen swung his ax at the rat nibbling at his feet and missed. Christie sighed. Another stupid online game. Another stupid review. She just didn’t have the patience for it today.
    She glanced over at Ben’s office door. It was shut. Nervousness clenched in her gut. She’d sent her dating article to him on Saturday, having worked all night Friday to get it done.
    The Friday night she’d left Joseph’s apartment.
    Her cheeks burned at the memory.
    She’d kissed him. She’d bloody gone and kissed him. He’d told her he didn’t want her to leave and…well, she’d decided just to go for it then and there.
    Still, kissing complete strangers in their bathrooms wasn’t exactly her usual modus operandi, either. Neither was what had happened afterward.
    Oh man, the way he’d touched her had been…so good. She hadn’t been able to control the intensity of her response, hadn’t wanted to. It had been so long since anyone had touched her in that way.
    I want you. Here. Now. Right now.
    His words had reverberated through her whole body.
    In the heat of the moment she’d forgotten her nervousness. Her awkwardness. Forgotten she was supposed to be Naughtygirl. She’d even forgotten she was Christie.
    For that hot,

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