Taming Precious Sinclair

Taming Precious Sinclair by Sasha Combs Read Free Book Online

Book: Taming Precious Sinclair by Sasha Combs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Combs
bad publicity to his advantage. Practically everyday I get a call from him, telling me about the latest gossip, or some snide remark he overheard. He tells me that I have the power to make this all go away. I just have to say yes, to Stone.”
    “It isn’t that simple.” He said.
    “Oh, yes it is.” She corrected him. “Hamilton. Stone and his family are loved around here. Especially Stone. He’s just a really nice guy.”
    Hamilton had heard her say this more than once and he couldn’t stop himself from wondering. If Stone is such a great guy, then why won’t she say yes and accept his proposal? But as much as the question puzzled his brain, he couldn’t bring the words to his mouth. He couldn’t make her entertain the idea of accepting another man’s proposal of marriage. He wondered where that thought had come from.
    In the distance, the sound of voices could be clearly heard. Precious was on her feet, racing to the rooms entrance.
    “Oh dear Lord. I didn’t know that my parents were here.”
    She rounded the corner, heading for the front foyer, without explaining further. When she hit the hallway, Precious was practically running.
    “Precious...” The sound of her mother’s cry could be heard in the distance. Hamilton wasn’t at all prepared for this. He’d never met her parents, but here he was in their home and Precious had left him. Hamilton stood near the entrance of the family room, in the middle of the hall. He watched as Precious moved swiftly, then his head turned and he noticed the curious expression on her parents face. They were staring at him, curiously.
    “Precious...” The male voice cried out. This time, it was her father’s turn to roar out her name. But even his bellowing voice didn’t cause her feet to slow.
    Next, the sound of her first name was spoken, and the callers voice held the key. Precious stood stock still, unable to believe her luck. Stone walked up the rear, and Hamilton immediately recognized him. Tall with an athletic build, sun bleached blond hair, deep blue eyes, and a serene expression covering his face. Her parents, Camille and Colten Sinclair; they had stopped short, choosing to stand near the stranger in their home.
    When Stone approached, he walked passed them, continuing until he stood in front of Precious. She lowered her eyes because she’d been avoiding this face to face in her parents home from the moment she stormed out of her father’s office, weeks ago. She’d hurt Stone by refusing his proposal and Precious didn’t want to hurt him again. Especially with her parents as witnesses.
    Stone was wearing a windbreaker, a polo shirt, a pair of Bermuda shorts and deck shoes. He’d been out boating with her parents for the afternoon. She was certain that his time spent with her parents was purely recreational for his part. But she wasn’t so sure about her father. She knew the plans that lie harbored in his heart.
    Stone reached down, cupping her hand with both of his. He smiled his easy smile, saying...
    “I didn’t expect to see you here today.”
    “I didn’t expect to be here today.” She responded brusquely and immediately she winced due to her abruptness. In spite of her rude behavior, Stone fully understood. For the past year, Precious have lived under a microscope. Her every move dissected and judged. Then she was maligned by her fans after refusing his proposal. He wanted to take her pain away but this situation was out of his control. He felt her fingers easing from his hold. Precious stepped back and away from him. Her eyes drifted to where her parents stood near Hamilton.
    With the attention on him now, Hamilton turned to introduce himself. He held out his hand to her father first.
    “Hello Mr. Sinclair. I’m Hamilton Gantry. The producer of Grosse Pointe Bachelorettes.”
    Her father grasp hold, squeezing like most men do, when sizing up the other.
    “Colten Sinclair. Nice to meet you Mr. Hamilton. And this is my

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