Tangled Shadows

Tangled Shadows by Tina Christopher Read Free Book Online

Book: Tangled Shadows by Tina Christopher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Christopher
    Nikolai pulled Galen’s face closer and kissed him.
    Their love hit Brooke with the force of a freezing-cold shower.
    No. She dragged herself out of her memories. They’ve betrayed you, lied to you.
    She would not let herself be pulled in again. Sweat pooled at her lower back. She balled both her hands into tight fists and clenched her teeth with the effort not to step forward, closer to those seductive wings.
    It felt as if she was under a spell, pulling her toward the men. Brooke took one step before she managed to stop again.
    Galen looked up.
    “Brooke, I’m sorry,” he groaned. His wings shimmered for a moment, then vanished. And so did the need to move closer.
    Brooke pushed a sweaty strand of hair behind her ear. “What the Jade was that?” She panted. It felt as if she’d just gone ten rounds with a sparring droid.
    Nikolai kissed Galen’s cheek before he stepped away. “That was Galen’s diplomatic ray gun. He only pulls it out when he can’t think of anything else to do, and needs to make everybody feel pink and fluffy.”
    “Pink and fluffy?” Brooke crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow. She hoped they hadn’t noticed her taking a couple of steps back to put extra distance between them.

    “Yeah, you know, when everybody’s temper is about to explode and things will get ugly, Galen pours out his power, and everybody loves his neighbor and wants to make peace, not war,” Nikolai said, grinning like a lunatic.
    Brooke didn’t see the funny side. The power had been too strong. She felt as if part of her had been imprisoned by the need to touch. Her shoulders tightened. She didn’t stand a chance against either man.
    No, not men , one was a Vampire and the other a Naema.
    And she was only human.
    Galen took a step closer, holding his hand out to her.
    Brooke felt a dull ache in her chest. Under normal circumstances she would pull her spiny-anteater shell around herself, but today she lacked the strength. She wanted away from both of them. “Where am I staying during this trip down memory lane?” she asked, not looking either in the eyes.
    Galen dropped his hand and exhaled.
    “You can stay in the master cabin with us,” Nikolai said.
    Brooke flinched. Her eyes found his. He couldn’t be serious. His gaze didn’t give anything away.
    “I would prefer not to.”
    “You can have the guest cabin if you wish,” Galen said.
    Brooke nodded briefly and turned around to leave the bridge.
    “Brooke, we still need to talk,” Galen said.
    She didn’t turn around. With each step, she battled with the emotional torrents bubbling under the surface to keep them where they were…under the surface. The bridge doors slid open. “Not today,” was all she said, making sure not to show the two Paranormals any of the fear, desperation and anger.

    Nikolai threw his hands up in the air. “What the fuck happened? Where’s the Amazon? I expected attitude, for her to throw things, not buckle like a faulty chip.” He turned to Galen, panic in his eyes. “How can we learn more if she doesn’t talk?” Galen took Nikolai’s hand. “I think she got hit by the fact she’s alone with a Vampire and an ArchNaema, and she’s only human.”
    Nikolai frowned. “We wouldn’t hurt her unless she has something to do with the missing settlers.” He paused for a moment and looked down. “And I couldn’t move against her even then,” he mumbled.
    “Nor I,” agreed Galen. “But I don’t think she’s necessarily worried about that . We have a shipload of power between the two of us, not something she’s seen before.” Nikolai shook his head. “But she resisted. Did you see? She even held on against your allure.”
    Galen nodded and watched his other half pace.

    “Does she not realize how rare this is? To find the strength to resist you ? She managed to stand still a couple of times.”
    “I don’t think she’s ever met a Naema before, definitely not an ArchNaema, nor has she

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