Taste of Treason

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Book: Taste of Treason by April Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Taylor
watched his every move, seeming to divine his thoughts.
    “Was it a woman, Luke?”
    “Possibly. Why do you think so?”
    “Because if she was noticed, it would be assumed she was a maidservant, but had it been a man, there could be no excuse for him being in the Queen’s Privy Chamber.”
    “That is well argued and logical. I wager you are right. Show me where the young maid was found.”
    Gwenette hurried through to the chamber next to the Queen’s bedroom and pulled aside a heavy brocade wall hanging.
    Luke prevented her from stepping into the space. His lips tightened. Superstitious servants, doubtless too afraid of evil spirits to do a thorough job, had made only feeble attempts to erase the blood splashes. The last thing that Madeleine needed in her condition was a constant reminder of the atrocity that had taken place close to her person. The natural shock she must have felt at the death of one so young and in her service could have had disastrous consequences.
    “How did the Queen react?” he asked.
    “She almost swooned and became hysterical. I ran for His Majesty. He came running to see for himself, but could not calm her. It was not until Father Reynard was summoned that she became quiet and composed.”
    “Father Reynard is her confessor?”
    “Aye. He appears to be the only person Her Grace trusts absolutely although I believe there are signs that His Majesty is gaining in that field. Since the murder, the Queen will not venture into this chamber. She says the place is tainted and keeps to her Presence Chamber.”
    “Where does she sleep?”
    Gwenette colored and frowned.
    “The King has promised that she shall sleep in his chamber until this one has been cleansed and blessed.”
    “And what does her priest think of that?”
    “He is outwardly affable and dutifully submissive, but his thoughts are his own.”
    Luke grunted. Reynard was a side issue and he was wasting time. He walked back to the door, noting the placement of the torches that, apart from the fire, would have been the only source of light on that night. It would be a simple task for anyone to slip around the chamber in the shadow of the wall hangings and waylay the maid, especially when all the women were cooing like doves at the pearl. Had the killer known in advance of the gift?
    “When did Queen Anne decide to give Her Grace the jewel?”
    “My mistress had spoken of it that morning to both King and Queen.”
    That was one question answered. Anybody could have known.
    Now that he could see the scene of the murder, he was stricken with doubts as to what material use his journey had been. The only evidence was a bloodstained floor. What he really needed to have seen was the body in situ. Was there any residue left that he could tune into? He relaxed his shoulders and closed his eyes, aware only of Joss’s nose at the back of his knee. Gwenette had dropped the hanging back in place and was on the other side. He knew she would warn of any interruption.
    Luke opened his mind. There was a good chance that poor little Edith Brook was trapped in the misty in-between world, frightened to go on, unable to return. He concentrated on calling to her, assuring her that he could help and telling her that there was no need to fear. He sent the message out four times, but to no avail.
    A horrible suspicion formed in his teeming brain, but before he tested his theory, he must clean up all traces of Edith’s death and purify the atmosphere. A year ago, this would have taxed him, but twelve months had taught him much, not least to trust his abilities. He rubbed his hands together until he could see the halo of light around each finger, then flicked drops of pure white light to all corners of the space. He watched as they turned a dull red, gathering them in one wave of his fingers.
    “Is all clear?” he asked through the hanging.
    Luke walked quickly to the fire and cast the contents of his hand into its heart. Flames

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