Teleny or the Reverse of the Medal

Teleny or the Reverse of the Medal by Oscar Wilde, Anonymous Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Teleny or the Reverse of the Medal by Oscar Wilde, Anonymous Read Free Book Online
Authors: Oscar Wilde, Anonymous
Tags: Classics, Gay & Lesbian, mm, victorian pornography
gave her friend a smart slap on the buttocks, but the hand seemed to sink in, as into a mass of butter.
    'Ah!' said the cantiniere; 'this is the little game you like, is it?'
    And she answered the blow by a smarter one on her friend's backside.
    Thereupon the consumptive girl began to run round the room, and the cantiniere toddled after her in the most provoking attitude, each trying to slap the other.
    As the old prostitute passed Biou, he gave her a loud smack with his open palm, and soon after, most of the other students followed suit, evidently much excited by this little game of flagellation, until the buttocks of the two women were of a crimson red.
    The cantiniere having at last managed to seize her friend, she sat down, and laid her across her knees, saying, 'Now, my friend, you will get it to your heart's content.'
    And suiting the action to the words, she belabored her soundly; that is, striking her as strongly as her chubby little hands allowed her.
    The young woman having at last succeeded in getting up, both the women thereupon began to kiss and fondle each other. Then, with thighs against thighs and breasts against breasts, they stood a moment in that position; after which, they brushed aside the bushy hair that covered the lower part of the so-called Mount of Venus, and opening their thick brown and bulgy lips, they placed one clitoris in contact with the other, and these as they touched wagged with delight; then, encircling their arms round each other's backs, with their mouths close together, breathing each other's fetid breath, the one sucking alternately the other's tongue, they began to rub mightily together. They twisted, they writhed, and they shook, putting themselves into all kinds of contortions for some time, yet hardly able to stand on account of the intensity of the rapture they felt.
    At last, the consumptive girl, clasping with her hands the backside of the other one, and thus opening the huge pulpy buttocks, called out:
    'Une feuille de rose.'
    Of course I greatly wondered what she meant, and I asked myself where she could find a rose-leaf, for there was not a flower to be seen in the house; and then I said to myself—having got one what will she do with it?
    I was not left to wonder long, for the cantiniere did to her friend what she had done to her. Thereupon two other whores came and knelt down before the backsides that were thus held open for them, and began to lick them, to the pleasure of the active and passive prostitutes, and to that of all the lookers-on.
    Moreover, the kneeling women, thrusting their forefingers between the legs of the standing strumpets and on the lower extremity of the lips, began to rub vigorously.
    The consumptive girl thus masturbated, kissed, rubbed, and licked, began to writhe furiously, to pant, to sob and to scream with joy, delight, and almost pain, until half fainting.
    'Aie, la, la, assez, aie, c'est fait,' followed by cries, screams, monosyllables, and utterances of keen delight and unbearable pleasure.
    'Now it is my turn,' said the cantiniere, and stretching herself on the low couch, she opened her legs wide so that the two thick dark lips gaped, and disclosed a clitoris which in its erection was of such a size, that in my ignorance I concluded this woman to be an hermaphrodite.
    Her friend, the other gougnotte —this was the first time I had heard the expression— though hardly recovered, went and placed her head between the cantiniere's legs, lips against lips, and her tongue on the stiff, red, moist, and wagging clitoris, she too being in such a position that her own middle parts were in the reach of the other whore's mouth.
    They wriggled and moved, they rubbed and bumped each other, and their dishevelled hair spread itself not only on the couch but also on the floor; they clasped each other, squeezed the nipples of their breasts, and dug their nails into the fleshy parts of their bodies, for in their erotic fury they were like two wild Maenads,

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