Temptation: Reckless Desires (Blue Moon Saloon Book 2)

Temptation: Reckless Desires (Blue Moon Saloon Book 2) by Anna Lowe Read Free Book Online

Book: Temptation: Reckless Desires (Blue Moon Saloon Book 2) by Anna Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Lowe
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Werewolf, shapeshifter, Blue Moon Saloon
show the worst, but we feel it’s important to highlight the heroics of our pro bullfighting team.”
    She watched, slack-jawed, as the view switched to another bull charging out of a pen marked with last year’s date. A replay of the event they were talking about.
    “It started like any other ride…”
    The sound switched to the voice of a different announcer. “And now we have Hammersmith, coming out of the pen…”
    A huge black bull tore into the arena, bucking wildly.
    “And at this point, A.J. looked to be in control…” the live commentator said over the voice of the replay.
    The bull bowed its head, then snapped it up, bringing its horns within inches of the rider’s face.
    “But watch when Hammersmith goes into his next spin…”
    Janna didn’t want to watch, but she couldn’t
watch as the sound changed, going from the present-day announcers to the voice that had commented on the scene live.
    “He’s down! He’s down!” the live announcer screamed.
    Janna watched in horror as the young rider flew off the bull and crashed headfirst at an unnatural angle in the middle of the arena. The image cut away just before impact, but it didn’t take much imagination to fill in the blanks.
    “Shit,” one of the ranch hands muttered under his breath.
    “Doctors reckon the vertebrae were broken right there,” the original commentator said over the voice of the other. “Nothing no helmet’s gonna do about that.”
    A horrified gasp rang out from the audience, followed by shouts as the bull wheeled to charge the limp body.
    “Look at our bullfighters move in!” the live commentator shouted. “Look at that! Look at that!”
    The coffee mug shook in Janna’s hand shook as she watched three men dart forward.
    “This is why we don’t call them rodeo clowns, folks…” the commentator said of the three men.
    “Watch the one in blue…”
    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cole go stiff. But her focus remained on the screen, where the fastest of the three bullfighters darted between the bull and the limp body in the dirt, trying to distract it. He sprinted right into the bull’s field of vision, but the bull was intent on the fallen rider.
    Any normal human would duck out of the way, but the bullfighter in blue planted himself right in the bull’s way, daring the animal to attack him.
    “Seventeen hundred pounds of charging bull, folks, and this man’s holding his ground.” The announced whistled.
    The bull lowered its horns and thundered on.
    “Get out of the way, man,” one of the ranch hands murmured at the screen.
    The other two bullfighters waved and hollered from each side, trying to draw away the bull — to no avail.
    Janna shook her head at the impossibility of it all. If the bullfighter moved, the charging beast would trample the fallen rider. But if the bullfighter stayed,
get trampled.
    She watched, frozen, as the man put his hands out and grabbed the bull’s horns. The animal snapped his head upward, lifting the man.
    “Look at that!” the announcer screamed as the man threw his weight to the side.
    “Jesus, that guy has balls,” another ranch hand muttered.
    The bull’s head twisted to the side, all his fury focused on his new foe. It cleared the injured man by an inch and bulldozed onward, trying to trample the bullfighter. The man dragged his feet, trying to stay clear of the hooves. Somehow, he found enough traction to spring to one side and then ducked as the bull jabbed his horns right. Dashed to the left again…
    “That’s what you call a pro, folks,” the announcer murmured.
    It went on like that for another minute, with an unrelenting bullfighter and an equally determined bull, until finally a man on a horse charged in and drove the bull away.
    Cole slid off his seat and headed for the saloon doors without saying a word, but Janna’s eyes stayed rooted on the TV. There was something about the bullfighter on the screen…
    She watched the man in blue rush

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