Temptation ~ The second novelette from "Different Desire", a Gay Victorian Romance and Erotic novelette collection

Temptation ~ The second novelette from "Different Desire", a Gay Victorian Romance and Erotic novelette collection by Lady T. L. Jennings Read Free Book Online

Book: Temptation ~ The second novelette from "Different Desire", a Gay Victorian Romance and Erotic novelette collection by Lady T. L. Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lady T. L. Jennings
breath, Oliver embraced him closely while it felt like t he whole world around them temporarily disappeared, leaving only him and his lover together alone in an unknown blank universe.
    A few weeks later
    “I must say I am unexpectedly impressed by you, Mr Sanders,” Lord Henley said. “When you first arrived here at Wycliffe Castle , I had very little hope for you.”
    Oliver mumbled something non-commentary.
    “You see, I thought you were something of a quiet bookworm and that you would never be able to teach my son anything.”
    “Ah, well … ” Oliver said, unsure of how to reply. “Mr Henley is rather intelligent.”
    “Of course he is. He is my son , after all!” Lord Henle y said. “It was just … there have been many tutors here over the years , and no one have ever had managed to … what should I call it? Control him? If you know what I mean?”
    “I think so, my lord,” Oliver said and forced his though ts not to wander off.
    “I am glad that you have succeeded, nonetheless. I will give you a full reference. Although I would have preferred that you had informed me regarding the application to Cambridge beforehand,” Lord Henley said with a certain sharp edge in his tone.
    Oliver tried not to change position on the uncomfortable rococo chair in front of the well-polished pedestal writing desk . “I believe your son wanted it to be a surprise to you and Lady Henley,” he lied bravely. “I was not completely sure that his application would indeed be accepted, so that is why I did not want to say something about the matter.” Oliver finished somewhat lamely.
    Lord Henley gave him a flat stare that told him that he was not entirely convinced , and Oliver stifled the urge to remove his glasses and nervously polish them.
    The fact remained that Lord Henley had flown into a fit of rage that had been heard all over the castle when Winston finally had told him that he was leaving to Cambridge and that there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.
    Lord Henley was quiet , and after a pause that seemed to last forever , he rather abruptly changed the topic and said, “I heard that you have managed to finish that thesis of yours, is that correct?”
    “It is, my lord,” Oliver answered politely.
    “And what are your plans for the future, Mr Sanders?”
    “Well , ” Oliver said , “ a s a matter of fact, I have been offered a position as a fellow and a lecturer at University of Cambridge.”
    Lord Henley raised an eyebrow. “Have you indeed?” he said. “Well then , d o promise to keep an eye on my son while he is at Cambridge , in that case. He tends to have an unfortunate knack to get himself into trouble.”
    “I promis e, my lord. Thank you, my lord. ”
    Oliver left the library before the conversation managed to become even stranger, but he could not help letting a small smile escape his lips as he entered the dim corridor. If only he knew … Oliver thought.
    “Are you ready?” Oliver asked.
    “Of course,” Winston said calmly.
    “And you have everything? You have packed sensibl y , I hope? Three years in Cambridge is quite a long time , after all.”
    “You are sounding like Mother now!” Winston complained.
    “I sincerely doubt that. Although I did speak to her this morning , and I promised that I will look after you. Both of your parents claim that you have a tendency to get into trouble. And you have already been expelled once if my memory serves me right,” Oliver said , a tad bit stiffly. “Besides, as your teacher, I do have certain responsibilities.”
    “Rubbish,” Winston mumbled.
    “What was that?”
    “Nothing,” Winston said innocently and lowered his voice . “I was only wondering if you would dare to kiss me when we are alone in the carriage on the way.”
    Oliver hesitated, torn between his feelings. Kissing Winston had proven to so easily get out of hand ; on the other hand, the carriage did have rather soft velvet cushions ,

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