Megan looked on, agitated, as Boz and Eli both nodded. “No. I don’t know what you mean,” she said. “Please, fill me in.”
Boz shifted in his seat to face her. “Megan, the FBI and CIA are a lot alike in many aspects of their operations. But there is one difference. When an FBI agent retires, or leaves, he usually just…leaves. Puts it behind him. I mean, I know guys who still hang on to that fed mentality, but most of the time, they let the job go. A CIA guy never stops being a spy.”
This time Jennings and Eli nodded.
“And more often than not,” Boz continued, “it gets him into trouble.”
“Or killed,” Eli added.
“Well, lucky for us,” Jennings said, pushing off his desk, “Peterson hasn’t gotten himself killed. But that could change if he starts asking questions down there and someone doesn’t like it.”
“Well, you said you guys don’t ever stop being spies,” Megan said. “What’s the big deal?”
“Peterson’s seventy-six years old.” Jennings said. A worried look creased his brow. “And he’s a good man. I don’t want to see anything happen to him. He’s served this country well.” He walked back around to his side of the desk and sat down and pointed at Megan. “And that’s why you are leaving in the next five minutes to go see him.”
“So that’s it?” She stood up. “We’re just going to put all of our eggs in Peterson’s basket? You said you made
. Plural. We’re not going to wait to see what else comes back?”
Jennings leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head. “Megan, I made three calls. Two of the guys I called, I woke up. They said they’d poke around, but hadn’t heard anything. When I called Peterson, he was on his way out the door. To Raleigh. Said he was
just about to call me.”
He twirled his finger in the air, noting his disbelief.
“And that means he’d already heard something.” She nodded.
“Like I said. Retired. Not gone.”
“What about them?” She pointed to Boz and Eli.
Jennings turned his attention to Eli. “You staying or going?”
Eli curled his lip. “Well, I was sort of looking forward to going back and getting into it with Bungard, but…” He waved a hand in the air. “I really like Uncle Boz’s chef hat. I just don’t think I’m ready to part with it so soon.”
“Good. Then you’re with her.” Then to Boz, “And you’re going to go get Jon.”
Megan immediately felt her heart sink. She had wanted to be the one to go get Jon. Her feelings for him had grown more each day he had been gone. She laughed to herself. She remembered when they had met how she could hardly stand him. And now she was jealous that Jennings was sending Boz to get him.
She had to admit, though, it was the right move. Boz was a former operative. She was an FBI agent. A computer specialist, at that. She knew she didn’t have the skills to operate in a theater like the one Jon was in. If anyone was going to get him, Boz was the right guy. Raleigh was still American soil. And that meant it was her territory. She narrowed her eyes and looked at her new partner. “I appreciate everything you’ve done, Eli. And I’m glad to have you along. But…”
“Hey, I’m just along for the ride.” He held up his palms.
Megan nodded.
“Unless someone starts something,” he finally said. “And then I’m going to finish it.”
Megan shook her head and grabbed the door. “Do they just upload you guys with the same generic program at spy school?”
Eli stood to follow and smiled at Boz and Jennings. “No, milady. I’m afraid we’re uploaded with that from birth!”
“Just let me do the talking when we see Peterson,” she said.
Marrakech, Morocco
F arid Naser was hyperventilating. He sat down on the couch that was provided in the private lounge area and placed his head between his knees.
Breathe, you idiot! In from the nose…out through the mouth. Just breathe
It hadn’t really
Laurence Cossé, Alison Anderson