The Accidental Sheriff

The Accidental Sheriff by Cathy McDavid Read Free Book Online

Book: The Accidental Sheriff by Cathy McDavid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy McDavid
    “It’s not my place to ask, but do you think that’s wise?”
    “She’s too young to understand.”
    “She won’t always be young.”
    “I won’t have Zoey hate me because she blames me for her mother’s death.”
    “You weren’t the one who fired the gun that killed Lynne. The Delivery Man did.”
    “Because I went after him.”
    “Zoey loves you. She won’t hold you responsible.”
    “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not taking any chances.”
    “She may find out on her own one day. It won’t be hard. You’re all over the Internet. Are you ready for that?”
    Carolina had just voiced Neil’s biggest fear. “You’re right about what you said earlier. It’s not your place to ask.”
    “I apologize.”
    “Zoey is everything to me. More important than my career. She’s the reason I quit the force, took a year off and rented an apartment in the same town as my in-laws so that Zoey and I could be close to them. When I stopped seeing Lynne’s blood covering the sidewalk every night in my dreams, I figured I was ready to go back to work. It took me another six months to find the job I was looking for.”
    “Deputy sheriff?” Carolina removed her hand from his.
    Neil wished she hadn’t. Her fingers had felt nice resting on his. “For a while I considered getting out of law enforcement altogether or going into a related field, like security. Then I’d remember Lynne and her commitment. She believed with all her heart we were making the world a better place. Me by catching criminals and her by processing the evidence that helped put them behind bars. I decided to stay in law enforcement to honor her.”
    “She would be proud of you.”
    “I couldn’t stay in the city. Zoey’s safety is my main concern.” He thought of the threatening phone call from the other day. Fortunately, there had been no more. “Rural law enforcement seemed like a good fit. Gila County has its share of trouble, but not like New York. I swore I would never put myself or my family in jeopardy again.”
    “Is that why you don’t want to be acting Sheriff?”
    Leave it to Carolina to figure him out.
    “One thing I’ve learned, the higher profile the position, the greater the danger. There are too many wackos out there, and they tend to target those in charge.”
    “I see now why you didn’t like being interviewed.”
    “My relationship with the media isn’t a good one.”
    “After what you’ve been through, no one could expectdifferently.” She glanced away, then back at him. “I suppose I should explain myself.”
    “Not if you don’t want to.”
    “I owe you that much after everything you’ve told me.” She sighed. “You won’t like it. I sure don’t.”
    “Try me.”
    “I’ve been assigned to do a story on you.”
    “I see,” he said flatly.
    “My boss inferred that if I don’t do the story, my job could be on the line.”
    Even though he’d already decided not to pursue a relationship with Carolina, he’d stupidly hoped her interest in him was personal. Well, this definitely clinched it. Steering clear of her would be much simpler from now on. If he weren’t sitting down, he’d give himself a swift kick in the rear. He pushed back his chair, well aware he was about to be rude but not caring. “I guess I’ve just given you everything you need for your story.” He was surprised at how much it angered him that Carolina was the one about to bring his world crashing down around him.
    “No, Neil.” She reached over the small table for his arm, gripping it tightly. “You’ve just given me every reason to tell my boss exactly where he can shove this assignment.”
    “You’d give up your job for me?”
    “I have my integrity.”
    Her eyes shone with sincerity and her voice rang with conviction.
    So why did Neil feel he still couldn’t trust her?

Chapter Four
    “Are you crazy!” Rachel looked stunned.
    “I don’t usually agree with Rachel,” Vi said, “but seriously, kiddo, have

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