The Adventures of Steve and Terry: The Zombie Chronicles

The Adventures of Steve and Terry: The Zombie Chronicles by Mark de Jong Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Adventures of Steve and Terry: The Zombie Chronicles by Mark de Jong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark de Jong
bites on his hand had never stopped bleeding, and the gunshot wound
to the leg wasn’t helping either. As they stopped Rollins had kicked open a
side duct and looked down at the mass of dead swarming there. He held his
bleeding hand out, dropping blood onto their heads and driving them into a
    “Do you guys like that?” he said.
    “What the hell are you doing?”
Terry asked.
    “What?” Rollins asked.
    “That’s tempting fate man.”
    “Those stupid things could never
rea—” Suddenly, a zombie did a jump from the mass down below worthy of a pro
basketball forward, grabbing Rollins and pulling him screaming to his death.
    “Holy crap!” Terry exclaimed. “I
think we need to keep going guys.”
    The group continued through the
ducts. They finally came to an area where the zombie population seemed very
low. They dropped out of the ducts and killed the few zombies they encountered.
    “This way,” Collins said. “Through
those doors should be the exit.”
    They burst through the doors to
see a long hallway. They followed it to the massive vault like door they had
come through, only now it was sitting closed, all the locks engaged.
    “Uh,” Steve said. “isn’t that
supposed to be open?”
    “Damn,” Collins said. “I forgot my
watch is slow. I thought we had a bit more time.”
    The rest of the group looked at
him, murder in their eyes. “You idiot!” Angela screamed, hitting Collins with
her gun. He went down and she continued to kick him, even stomping on him. It
took several minutes for Steve and Terry to pull her off. While Terry held her
back Steve checked on Collins. He looked back at them and shook his head.
    “He’s dead,” Steve said, standing.
    “Good riddance,” Angela said.
    “There has to be some other way
out of here,” Terry said.
    “You heard him, the doors are
    “Well then, we need to make a
stand,” Steve said. “Maybe we can clear an area of zombies, fortify it, holdout
as long as we can.”
    “What would be the point?” Angela
    “I would rather starve to death
than be eaten alive by zombies. I mean, it’s not like an animal attack. Animals
have instincts to go for the throat, to go for the kill, not zombies, they just
bite. And with their tiny little mouths, it would be a horrible way to go.”
Both Terry and Angela just looked at him. “What? I’ve had a lot of time to
think about it, okay?”
    “I’m with Steve on this,” Terry
    Angela looked from one to the
other. Finally she nodded. “Okay, I’m in.”
    They made their way back through
the ducts, coming out in an area relatively free of zombies. They worked their
way from room to room until they finally came up with a plan. They were
standing behind a sealed door, a horde of zombies on the other side.
    “Okay,” Angela said. “We’ll open
this door and I’ll herd the zombies into here. Then we run through and close
the door behind us. It’ll seal permanently once we close it, trapping them in
this small room and freeing up the area they’re in.”
    “Got it,” Steve said.
    Steve and Terry took up position
on either side of the door. Angela nodded to them and Steve pressed a button,
the door sliding open. Angela ran through, screaming and hollering, grabbing
the zombies’ attention. She came running back through the door, a huge pack of
zombies on her tail.
    “Now,” Angela yelled.
    Steve and Terry booked it through
the door, hitting the plunger and sealing it behind them. They both leaned back
against it, breathing heavily in relief. Suddenly, Terry looked around.
    “Uh, Steve?”
    “What?” Steve asked.
    “Where’s Angela?”
    “Wasn’t she right behind us?”
    “I don’t see her,” Terry said.
    “What?” Steve pushed off of the
door and turned around. “Oh, damn.”
    Terry turned to see Angela looking
at them through a small square window in the door. She was yelling at them, but
they couldn’t hear her through the door.
    “She looks pissed,” Terry

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