The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1)

The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1) by Ravenna Tate Read Free Book Online

Book: The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1) by Ravenna Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ravenna Tate
Fiera’s hands shake, and she dropped a piece of toast on the floor. It was fine to think this would all be made right, but quite another to watch it play out. Canyon had spoken the truth. Their mating didn’t change the reality for either of them. In fact, it would make things worse.
    After she scooped up the toast and tossed it into the trash, she put another slice of bread in the toaster. Once Hawke heard about this, he’d go apeshit mad with rage. So would his father and every male in his family. Panic swept through her. Was her father safe right now? Yes. He was. Canyon said his friends were with him.
    She knew Stone and Arizona well. Stone was her cousin, and both men were solid alphas with impeccable reputations. They were also big and strong, the same as Canyon. They wouldn’t let anything happen to her father.
    But what would happen if what Canyon said was likely true and the Medinas had already filed a complaint with the Elders about her father? Would they side with the Medinas, or would they align with Canyon’s thinking and allow him and Luke, his father, to take over running the business?
    If they didn’t go along with Canyon’s thinking, or instead forced one of her uncles to make business decisions for her father, would Hawke’s family start harassing him as well? How much power did Canyon or Luke actually wield with the Elders?
    Fiera cursed under her breath as she nearly dropped the damn toast again. She had to put this out of her mind. If she didn’t trust her mate, who the hell could she trust? This was no longer her burden to bear alone. She had Canyon to lean on.
    When she finally had the food ready, she carried it on a tray into the main room, and smiled as he sat up in bed. She was glad she wouldn’t have to wake him. “I hope you’re hungry.”
    “Starving. That smells incredible. What time is it?”
    “I have no idea, but I figured if I was this hungry, so were you.”
    After she placed the tray on a stand and moved it closer to the bed, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. It was so tempting to say the heck with the food and coffee, until he released her. “Later.” He gave her a wink. “After we eat.”
    The soreness over her entire body didn’t stop delicious tingles from coursing through her at those words. “Do you think we’ll ever get tired of making love?”
    “I hope not.” He shoveled food into his mouth while she watched, grinning. “This is really good.”
    “I’m glad you like it.”
    After they ate, they sat side by side in bed, propped up against pillows, sipping coffee. Fiera asked about the mating ceremony Canyon had mentioned.
    “They’re usually planned ahead of time. There’s going to be gossip.”
    “There will be anyway, once the other families find out the Medinas threatened you and your father.”
    “Are you really going to tell everyone they did that?”
    “Of course I am.”
    “But the Elders declared me your mate. Do you think it’s wise to involve the village in the other matters?”
    His gaze grew dark. “Would you rather they jump to different conclusions? Like perhaps Hawke mated with you first and I took you from him?” That hadn’t occurred to her before now.
    “And it would be just like Hawke to stir up such a rumor to make himself look like the victim here.”
    “Yes, and it would be an easy conclusion for others to reach, considering he’s been shooting off his mouth for three months now. What we did is the human world equivalent of elopement, but others might not see it as romantic. They might view it as me trying to undermine Hawke, unless they know the whole truth. Then they will realize his intentions were not honorable.”
    “You make some good points.” She couldn’t disagree with his assessment.
    “We’ll have the backing of all the packs this way, Fiera.”
    “As long as they believe you and not Hawke.”
    “The Elders have already backed us up. All we need to do is sign the official papers and throw a

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