The Arrogant Architect

The Arrogant Architect by LK Collins Read Free Book Online

Book: The Arrogant Architect by LK Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: LK Collins
don’t see how this is legal.”
    “Dad, I feel the same, but the paper is notarized and
Charlie said he sold.”
    “Is it the same company that bought the building next door
to you?”
    “No, I spoke to that owner and he knows nothing, although he
says he wants to help. But—”
    “But what? You’re going to let him help you, right?”
    “I don’t know, Dad, the owner is that guy who got me kicked
out of work and is a little crazy.”
    “Then he owes it to you.”
    I can’t help but laugh at my dad. My back is against the
wall, and neither of us knows shit about legal documents, so unfortunately
turning to King might be the only option…or moving…and imagining leaving my
home sickens me.
    “I’ll figure it out, I might ask him for help. Thank you for
your opinion.”
    “Of course, Ever, you know…you’re welcome here, if you
    I’m grateful to my dad, but looking around at his office, or
more like his shrine to my mom, makes me sad. Beyond the logistical issue of
how far away my dad lives that would make my commute an utter nightmare, I’m
not sure I could handle moving back in here and all the reminders that would
come along with it. I’ve worked hard to let her go and put myself in a good
place, focusing on my work and getting through each day the best that I can…but
still seeing the pain in my dad’s eyes makes me worry that coming back here
could set me back.

Chapter 9
    I can’t help but look at Ross differently now that I’m aware
he and Mistee slept together, and watching the way they interact makes me think
that maybe they are still fucking. As they run the front line together, they
are so chummy, shoulder-to-shoulder.
    But I’m sure it’s only me overanalyzing things as I try to
grasp at strings and not focus on the fact that I have three days left before I
have to leave my apartment. Imagining walking away from my home makes me so sad
that my throat tightens.
    Keeping my eyes down as I work in the back of the line like
a peasant, I pray that there will be another way…there has to be. I haven’t
heard from King or Charlie, so who knows at this rate. I decided to not ask
King for help, I don’t want to owe him anything. If I am meant to move, then
that will be my destiny and I’ll accept it.
    “Here are some more boxes for you, Ever,” Trent says as he
comes into the kitchen.
    “Thanks.” He sets them by the back door and I know there
isn’t much longer left of my shift.
    “I need a seared salmon fillet.”
    “Yes, Chef,” I call out to Mistee and prepare the fish as
she has requested.
    Finishing up the last few items, we do a shift swap and I
grab my boxes and bolt. Loading them into my trunk, Mistee runs out and stops
me before I can get into my car. “Hey, are you okay?”
    “Yeah, I’m stressed about the move…that’s all.”
    “You can come and crash at my place,” she offers.
    “Thanks,” I tell her.“I mean it.”
    “I appreciate it, I might take you up on it.”
    “Listen, I’m sorry about the whole Ross thing.”
    “It’s cool,” I brush it off, not wanting to talk about
things at all.
    “You sure?”
    “Yeah, I mean you’re a grown woman, you can make your own
    “Thanks. Can I tell you something?”
    “Of course.”
    “I kinda like him.”
    “Really?” I ask scrunching my eyebrows together and I close
my trunk.
    “Yeah, I do.”
    “Let’s give it another week.” I tell her and walk to the
driver’s side. “Have a good night.”
    “Oh, come on,” she whines as I slam my door and then back
away, leaving her standing in the middle of the parking lot. I’m aware of how
Mistee is with her short ass attention span. Next week, it’ll be another guy.
    God, I need a fucking drink. I can’t deal with her or anyone
for that fact right now. It’s been a long day, I haven’t slept for shit, and
I’m about to end up being forced to move back home with my dad who I’m sure
still cries himself to sleep every night even

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