The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1 by Stephen Harrison Read Free Book Online

Book: The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1 by Stephen Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Harrison
Tags: english eBooks
," said another.
    The vampires were almost out the door when Christine knocked over a bottle in the cupboard. The three vampires froze. They had heard her.
    "I think we have a little mouse," laughed one.
    "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" said his friend.
    After that, one of the vampires opened the cupboard door and pulled Christine out. She didn't scream, she was scared to death but she wouldn't show it.
    "Did you think we wouldn't find you?" asked the tall one.
    "Go to hell! said Christine, spitting in his face .
    "You're brave," he said, cleaning his face with his hand.
    "Did you say you were thirsty?" said one of the others to his friend.
    With those words, they grabbed Christine and began to drink her blood. She didn't cry out once. As her life was sucked away, the last thing she thought of was her two daughters’ smiling faces, and then it all went black.


    froze – the past tense of ‘to freeze’ which means when a liquid turns to a solid, here it means to stop and stand still. erstarren
    she spun around – ‘to spin around’, to turn quickly. sich drehen
    right thing – the best thing, the correct thing. das Richtige
    sniffing – ‘to sniff’ to make a noise with one’s nose. schnüffeln, schniefen
    I cannot reach her – I cannot contact her. Ich kann sie nicht erreichen.
    cupboard – place with a door in which to store things. Schrank
    silly – not serious. albern
    small crack – a small opening in the door. ein kleiner Riss
    I suggest – ‘to suggest’ means to give an idea. vorschlagen
    a piece of trash – British English, a piece of rubbish. ein Stück Abfall/Müll
    I'm still thirsty – ‘still’ - I remain thirsty after drinking. Ich bin immer noch durstig.
    she was scared to death – very scared. Sie war zu Tode geängstigt.
    spitting in his face – ‘to spit’ is to eject saliva from the mouth. spucken


    The Jones’ house, New Jersey.

    Anna Jones could not believe what was happening. Vampires were taking over the world! It was like something from a horror film. Anna was at home, when the president had made her broadcast on TV. When the vampire had murdered the president, Anna almost vomited from shock. It was like a nightmare, and she wanted to wake up.
    Since the president's broadcast, Anna had stayed at home. She had turned off all the lights, and was sitting quietly in the dark. She wondered what to do. Anna looked at the photo of her parents on her bedside table. She saw their loving, smiling faces and a tear ran down her pretty face. She really missed them . They were visiting friends in California. She wished they were here now, but they were nearly three thousand miles away.
    Outside, Anna heard a noise in the street. She looked out of her window and saw vampires going from house to house. They were breaking the doors and taking the people. They killed some but put others in the back of huge trucks. Where were they taking them? Anna decided she wasn't going to stay to find out.
    Suddenly, Anna had an idea. She would go to Amy's house. She knew that Amy was on a date with Travis. Anna thought that maybe Amy would go home to hide from the vampires. But if Amy was out, Anna could hide with Christine Anderson.
    Anna put on her coat and crept out the back door. There was a cold wind, which hurt her skin. She could hear people crying and the vampires and soldiers shouting angrily. There was a hole in Anna's garden fence and she went through it. It was only a ten minute walk to Amy's house.
    After five minutes, Anna was almost at Amy's house. She was crossing a road when suddenly, two men appeared in front of her. Anna knew instantly that they were vampires, they were pale, good-looking and had cruel, black eyes. They blocked her path . One was blond and tall, while the other was stocky and had black hair.
    "Hello there pretty girl," said the dark-haired one.
    Anna decided she would act normally.
    "Oh hi!" she

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