The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series)
caught a glimpse of the immaculately carved wooden ceiling.
    “Aye!” Archibald snorted in disgust. “Our king is only interested in cavorting with his painters, tailors, and masons. I’ve not seen him on the back of a steed since he moved his court here, nigh on three months ago.”
    King James III had always favored the fine arts over all else, neglecting the governing of the realm in the pursuit of gratifying his own pleasure. In recent years, his behavior often carried into excess, with endless banquets and the continual bestowal of lavish gifts upon a parade of favorites.
    “What of Hommil the tailor?” Cameron asked. Last year, the man had never strayed from the king’s side. The king had openly caressed him with the fondest affection at every banquet. Thomas Cochrane had been there but hovering in the background. The entire situation had been scandalous.
    “He’s been traveling with the previous castoff, Leonard the smith, spending their ill-gotten gains,” Archibald replied gruffly. “Of late, even Torphichen the fencing-master has been scarcely seen with the king. It has only been Thomas Cochrane receiving fond kisses and all favors.”
    Climbing a spiral staircase, Archibald led him through several chambers to a suite of apartments that looked out over the highlands.
    A velvet carpet graced the floor in front of a high, curtained bed, and nearby stood a writing desk with a vase of flowers, a feather quill pen, and a large candelabrum with eight tapers. Several carved chairs with crimson velvet cushions sat before a fireplace with a fire already crackling on the hearth.
    Situated to allow the morning light to filter in, the window of the bedchamber afforded him a view of the surrounding forests and wild expanse of the moors spreading across the horizon.
    He moved to the window and breathed deeply of the chill breeze sweeping down from the highlands.
    Closing the door soundly behind him, Archibald leaned against it and folded his arms. “There are strange doings afoot, my friend. ‘Twas at the feast last night that the king received tidings of Mar and Albany’s arrival within the week, but he fell into a fit of anger at the news, and began shouting they were coming to unseat him.”
    Cameron drew his lips in a thin line.
    Alexander, Duke of Albany, and John, Earl of Mar, were the king’s younger brothers. Rumors always circulated that both sought to seize the throne. But Cameron knew this to be untrue. The three brothers shared an unusually close bond.
    The king’s tirade smacked of some ill doing. Was Thomas Cochrane responsible?
    “I’ll see what I can discover, Archibald.” Cameron gave a curt nod.
    He was back at court only a few scant minutes and already found himself engulfed in treacherous plots.
    The man sent him a wide grin. “Then, I’ll be on my way.”
    As the door closed after him, Cameron wearily rubbed the back of his neck. He had found precious little sleep in the night. He took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh spring air blowing through the window, ruffling his raven hair.
    He longed to return home to Inchmurrin Castle, standing tall on the most southerly isle of Loch Lomond. And he would straightway, he promised himself, as soon as he had overturned any marriage plans the king might have made and once he had insured all was well between the king and his brothers.
    There was a knock upon the door.
    Wincing at the intrusion, Cameron murmured, “Pray enter.”
    The door creaked open, and Thomas’ nasal voice snaked through the room. “Greetings, my lord.”
    Expelling a silent breath, Cameron composed his features and graciously inclined his head. “And what brings ye here, Thomas.”
    The man wore velvet breeches and a jeweled doublet. A heavy gold chain glittered about his neck, and he fingered it fondly as he replied, “The king would see ye now in his supper room, my lord. I’ve been tasked to escort ye there.” He watched Cameron closely.
    Seeking to disarm the man,

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