The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series)
crackling fire, he focused on Thomas, wondering what the man was plotting, but Kate continually intruded upon his thoughts.
    Ach, she was a temptation! He hadn’t been tempted in quite some time, but he knew better than to give into his baser instincts. Ach, before, with just one thought of his deceased wives, any impulse he might have had would have died in an instant, but strangely—this time—that customary deterrent was oddly ineffective.
    He found sleep long in coming.
    * * *
    After spending a restless night, Cameron rose with the sun. Bidding Morag the Innkeeper a fond farewell, he mounted his charger and set off through Stirling’s winding, cobblestoned streets with his men riding behind.
    The early morning sun cast Stirling Castle in a warm glow as it rose majestically above the belt of trees clustered at the base of the cliffs. He eyed the massive structure with reluctance as he urged his horse up Castle Hill. Below him, he could see the River Forth glistening, swans gracefully gliding under the stone bridge spanning its width. Bright green fields led to the entrance of the Royal Deer Park, and to the west, he could see the jousting arena with the highlands climbing behind it.
    He grimaced.
    Clothes fittings, banquets, and games of treachery would now occupy his day.
    ‘Twas far worse than a good honest sword-thrust.
    The sound of hooves caused him to glance over and see Archibald Douglas riding forward to greet him.
    Cameron raised his hand in acknowledgement and reined his horse. “Well met!”
    “Aye, well met!” Archibald flashed a grin, leaning over to clasp Cameron’s arm in a warm welcome.
    Archibald Douglas, the Fifth Earl of Angus, was a great bear of a man, square-jawed, ruddy, and stern with a small scar under his left eye. His rumpled red hair, bushy beard, and warm hazel eyes gave him an unassuming, friendly air, but Cameron knew him as one of the craftiest noblemen in Scotland.
    “Ye’ve been a long time in coming, Cameron.” Archibald wiggled his bushy brows. “We’ve missed ye sorely.”
    “Aye.” Cameron nodded, offering no further explanation. He didn’t need to. While not particularly close friends with the man, their sense of mutual respect ran deep.
    “Word has already been sent of your arrival,” Archibald informed him. “The king will see ye within the hour.”
    “And Thomas?” Cameron raised a curious brow.
    “Aye, it isn’t easy to get the king’s ear of late. Thomas stands in the way. He never strays far from the king’s side.” Archibald growled. “We’ve need of your silver tongue, my friend, and that of Lord Julian Gray. I sent for him nigh on two weeks ago, and I expect him this day.”
    The news gladdened Cameron’s heart. Lord Julian Gray was as close a friend to him as Ruan MacLeod.
    With a curt nod, Cameron raised his hand, signaling the conversation was over, and in companionable silence, they rode up the street to the castle gates.
    At the entrance, Cameron again paused, eyeing the great castle of Stirling rising above him. Green moss and lichen clung to the base of the outer walls, standing out in stark contrast against the dark gray stones. It was an ancient fortress and one of Scotland’s finest.
    “Aye, ‘tis time, my friend. Ye can delay it no longer,” Archibald murmured in a tone somewhere between understanding and amusement.
    With a grimace, Cameron spurred his horse forward.
    He dismounted in the courtyard, eyeing the newly finished, ornate tower house with its great vaulted chamber, the work of Thomas Cochrane. He’d heard the man had studied in Italy, and his work clearly demonstrated a fine skill. But in architecture only. He had no place seeking titles and attempting to govern the land.
    “Follow.” Archibald raised a hand and led him through a side entrance towards the royal apartments.
    As a Stewart, and cousin to the king, Cameron was entitled to rooms in the west wing of the royal apartments. As he passed the Great Hall, he

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