Operation Tiger
and replacements
at Slapton Sands
at Tidworth Barracks
See also Bedford boys
Company B
Company C
Company D
Congress, and selective service bill
Conscientious objectors
Containment camp, Company A in
Cota, Norman
in containment camp
in England
and invasion plan
and Omaha Beach, battle for
Cottrell, Marguerite
Craters, for shelter
Crayton, H. W.
Crouch, James
Crouch, Kenneth
Cundiff, Helen
Curtis, Joseph O.
Dallas, Thomas
in Bedford
and Great Britain
See also Normandy invasion; Omaha
Beach; Operation Overlord
Dean, John
Death notices
D’Este, Carlo
Detroit, race riots in
DeWitt, William O.
DiMaggio, Joe
Dittmar, Robert
Dog Green beach
Donaldson, Harold
Dorsey Tommy
Draper, David
Draper, Frank, Jr.
and baseball
in containment camp
on HMS Empire Javelin
and Omaha Beach, approach to
and Omaha Beach, battle for
and Omaha Beach, landing on
Draper, Frank, Sr.
Draper, Gamiel
Draper, Mary
Draper family
Dutch East Indies
Dutch Inn
Eisenhower, Dwight
and Higgins boats
and invasion, postponement of
and invasion plan
and Operation Tiger
Elle River
England, Company A in
“England’s Own,”
English Channel
Enola Gay
Ewing, Joseph
“Exercise Beaver,”
Expert Infantryman’s Badge
Factories, and wartime production
Fellers, Bertie
Fellers, Janie
Fellers, Peter Anson
Fellers, Taylor
in containment camp
in England
on HMS Empire Javelin
and invasion plan
and Omaha Beach, approach to
and Omaha Beach, battle for
and Omaha Beach, landing on
and Operation Tiger
at Slapton Sands
Fellers family
Fergusson, Lieutenant
1st Division
First wave
Fizer, Charles
Fizer family
Forth of Clyde
Fort Meade
4th Division
Fourth War Loan Drive
Foutz, Elsie
liberation of
Frank, Anne
Garbed, Robert
Garden of the Missing
Gearing, Edward
after D-Day
in containment camp
on HMS Empire Javelin
and Omaha Beach, battle for
George VI
Gerhardt, Charles
in containment camp
in England
and invasion plan
and Omaha Beach, battle for
at Slapton Sands
German artillery
German E-boats
German Panzerfaust
German POWs
German prisoners
German 352nd Division
German 716th Division
German U-boats
and HMS Queen Mary
surrender of
See also Nazi Germany
Gerow, Leonard
Gillaspie, J. W.
Gillaspie, Nicholas
Gillette, Douglas
Goggin, Booker
Gold stars
Goode, Dorothy Wilkes
Goode, Robert
Grattidge, Harry
Gray Ghost, . See also HMS Queen
Great Britain
Great Depression
Green, Jimmy
on HMS Empire Javelin
and Omaha Beach, approach to
and Omaha Beach, battle for
and Omaha Beach, landing on
Green, William
Greenbrier Hotel
Greens drugstore
Grey, J. H.
Gubernot, Joe
Guderian, Heinz
Hamlett, Warner “Buster,”
Hampton Looms
Hanks, Tom
Hardy, Ralph H.
Harris, Jack
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Harvey, Mrs. Keith
Hawthorn hedgerow. See Bocage
Heilig, Mary Daniel, . See also
Parker, Danny
Hickam Field airbase
Higginbotham, Clarence
Higgins, Andrew
Higgins boats
Hitler, Adolf
and Atlantic Wall
and HMS Queen Mary
HMSCuracoa, and HMS Queen Mary, collision with
HMS Empire Javelin
HMS Obedient
HMS Queen Elizabeth
HMS Queen Mary
and HMSCuracoa, collision with
Hoback, Bedford
in containment camp
in England
on HMS Queen Mary
and Omaha Beach, battle for
Hoback, John Samuel
Hoback, Lucille
Hoback, Mabel
Hoback, Macie
Hoback, Rachel