The Best Laid Plans (Brothers of the Bayou)

The Best Laid Plans (Brothers of the Bayou) by Renee Peterson Read Free Book Online

Book: The Best Laid Plans (Brothers of the Bayou) by Renee Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Peterson
years, Sara still knew her inside and out. Some things never change.
    “We slept together.” She didn’t mean to blurt it out, but then again she could use sisterly advice.
    “Wow.” Sara’s jaw dropped in surprise.  “I never expected that so soon. I mean I knew something happened, but not that much. This is huge.”
    “I don’t know what to do Sara. There is so much you don’t know.” Just then Lacy’s phone rang.  “Speak ing of the devil, do you mind?”
    “Go ahead Lace. This is important. No rush. I’ll be here all day.”
    Lacy tapped on the answer key and practically ran into the next room.
    “Good morning,” she answered shyly, memories of the night before flooding her memory.
    “Good morning to you too.” His smile came through the phone and she felt more at ease.  A small part of her was worried he would regret last night or even worse, was just using her as a rebound against Daniella.  Her heart knew better, but her mind loved playing tricks.
    “So I have a confession. I just told Sara what happened last night.  She saw us come back together.”
    There was silence while Beaux thought about that then responded, “It’s probably for the best.  I don’t like hiding anything from them anyway.”
    Could he be anymore perfect, she thought. “What do you want to do today? I thought now that Sara knows maybe you can come over for lunch and we can do something after that? I’d kind of like to stay here this morning and talk with her.”
    “We can drive around and I can show you some local things you wouldn’t find on a tourist brochure.  There is a high chance of rain, so anything strictly outdoors is probably off limits.”
    “I don’t know about that Beaux. I have to say I have an entirely new appreciation for outdoor activities in the rain.”
    “You’re killing me girl.”
    “I’ll see you around eleven okay?” She had to get this conversation back to neutral territory or she would never be able to face Sara.
    “ ’Until then ma chère.”
    Lacy put her phone away and went back to the dining room where Sara was still sitting.  She opened up, telling her everything that happened with her father and Jeff, even the part of Jeff laughing in her face when she confronted him. Rehashing the story two days in a row was not her favorite thing in the world, but telling Beaux had given her the strength to release the pent up secrets and pain. By the time she finished telling the story up to her arrival in Louisiana, Sara had tears pouring down her face.
    “I’m so sorry Lacy. I wish I had known. We would have found a way to get you away from there.”
    “For years I’ve just wanted a place to belong.  When your dad moved your family away, that was the end of any familiar security.  I have to believe that everything happens for a reason. And maybe I had to go through that hell so it would bring me here.”
    “You sound so calm and at peace.  How do you do it?”
    “If we were having this conversation yesterday it would be an entirely different conversation.  I was a wreck and my life was falling apart.  Neil cancelled all my accounts except the one that was strictly under my name, I failed one of my final classes and I couldn’t focus.  That’s when I knew it was time to get away.  Finding another guy was the last thing on my mind; I am sure you could tell Beaux and I were anything but happy about being thrown together.”
    Sara laughed. “I wish I could say I am sorry about that, but I’m not.  I just knew deep down you two would hit it off given the chance, so I turned a blind eye to the friction.”
    “All things considered, I suppose I am obligated to forgive you anyway.”
    “So just how did you two go from barely speaking to sex in a twenty-four hour period?”
    Lacy gave her the g-rated version of events. “By the way he’s coming over at eleven for lunch before we head out for the day.”
    “You really like him don’t you?” Sara asked solemnly.
    “Do you

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