The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract

The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract by Alyssa Urbano Read Free Book Online

Book: The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract by Alyssa Urbano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Urbano
roaring drunk?” Antonio said in his thick Spanish accent then chuckled. Cassia giggled for his voice reminded her so much of Antonio Banderas.
    “It was allhis fault! He was so heartbroken then that he needed some company to drink. And I went! The next thing I knew, it was midday already and the exams were done.”
    “Ahh...but my friend, I was able to make it and you were not,” Antonio taunted.
    “I will never forget that day, compadre . You don’t know what I had to do just to be able to pass that semester,” Nikos laughed.
    Antonio glanced at Cassia and took in the warmth in her face. She stared at Nikos like he was some sort of hero. Also, he noticed the way she glanced nervously towards her grandfather as though she was waiting for some sort of tragedy to strike.
    “Cassia...I apologize but I would have to borrow Nikos for a few minutes, alright? Business talks,” Antonio asked.
    “Sure. Go ahead,” Cassia replied as she took her seat.
    Antonio pulled Nikos to one corner of the room and both of them sat.
    “I heard you trashed your office earlier,” Antonio remarked casually.
    “Yes. Costas got to me,” Nikos replied in a hate-filled voice.
    “What happened?”
    “It seems that I was bought, my friend. Cassia liked me because I saved her from being humiliated one night. Then she decided she’s got to have me. She then told her dear grandfather about it. And Costas, being the ever doting grandfather, decided to offer the merger instead of thoroughly destroying Demakis International .”
    Antonio did not reply for a very long time. He kept staring at the decoration in the middle of the table and looked as if he was deep in thought. Nikos saw that his eyes also scanned the grand ballroom which was very elaborately decorated today.
    The tables were covered with a pristine-white table cloth with gold at the center. In the middle of it were beautiful ice sculptures of Greek gods and goddesses. The center of the room now held a fountain that contained Atlas who held the world in his shoulders. Beside it was a statue of Hermes with his winged feet.
    While Antonio was deep in thought, Nikos took the opportunity to scan his surroundings. Men and women who were dressed expensively mingled with each other. If this were an ordinary party and not his engagement party, he’d surely be on the prowl for a new conquest. Some of his old conquests like supermodels who did wicked things with him in bed were even here, along with many potential new ones. However, this was his engagement party and he should be enjoying this with his fiancé. But it felt like his funeral.
    Then it hit him.
    This lifestyle and everything in it was what he was giving up to save the family business.
    He’d be giving up the women, the fast-paced living, the jet setting to whichever country and city he wanted, the late night parties, the countless mistresses, the gambling, the drinking and everything else.
    Nikos shook his head to clear it of that line of thought and scanned the room once more. This time, his gaze flitted towards the waiters who kept on roaming the room bearing platters of hors d'oeuvres , shrimp cocktails, wine, and other drinks. His gaze also went towards the side of the room which was converted into a bar.
    His hands itched to get a drink.
    “You know...I still do not think that is the case. Have you looked at Cassia, my friend? She seems to be a nice girl and not like the spoiled heiresses we are used to.”
    “Well, some fruits look good on the outside but are rotten on the inside,” Nikos scoffed.
    Antonio shook his head sadly. “I still do not think that this is the case, Nikos. And I have a really bad feeling about this. What’s your plan now?”
    “I’ll let her see what kind of husband she bought. And I’ll make sure I drive her to another man so that I could file for divorce and all of Demakis International and Andrade Shipping will fall to my hands,” Nikos said in a very determined tone.

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