The Billionaire Scoop: A BWWM Romance (Secrets & Deception Book 1)

The Billionaire Scoop: A BWWM Romance (Secrets & Deception Book 1) by Mia Caldwell Read Free Book Online

Book: The Billionaire Scoop: A BWWM Romance (Secrets & Deception Book 1) by Mia Caldwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Caldwell
perhaps his cohorts, but I’ve got my own contacts, my own thing going. I can help you out.”
    “And then what would I owe you in return?” she asked, her gaze direct and full of meaning.
    “Nothing,” he said gently. “I’m not expecting any kind of...repayment. Consider it me returning a favor—you have given me a place of refuge when I need it most.”
    “You don’t owe me anything,” she said, looking a bit perturbed. “I wanted to help you.”
    “See? Same here. Besides, it kills me to think of you running around out there as... trusting as you are. I feel like I need to tuck you in somewhere safe—for your own good.”
    “Excuse you? I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
    “I’m not saying you’re not, it’s just that it disturbs me how easily you invited me over. Listen, I’ve lived here a long time, and I’m just giving you a little city boy advice: trust no one. How are you getting around, anyway?”
    “Subway—like everyone else.”
    “I’m serious, Maribel—keep your eyes open, hold your belongings tight, be wary of people bumping into you, position your valuables where they can’t be grabbed or pick-pocketed, don’t hold anything for anyone—no matter how pitiful they look…”
    “Wait, what do you mean?”
    “Like if someone says, ‘can you hold this box/chain/whatever’ for me, the answer is always no. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if they try to make a scene and say you stole it or otherwise make you pay for it. And for god’s sake, for future reference, avoid traveling at night alone. Maribel—and I mean this quite affectionately—you just look like a victim.”
    He grinned at her tightened expression.
    “I knew you’d get mad, but I’m being honest—you look out-of-place, no matter how much you think you’re blending in. You’re clearly a visitor, a tourist, and therefore, you look like an easy target. Please don’t be insulted—I’m just giving you a quick rundown because if you’re going to survive out here, you need to develop some survival techniques. Street smarts. You’re not skilled in martial arts, by chance, are you?”
    She let out quick laughter as she shook her head.
    Relief washed over him that she was no longer on the defense.
    “Look, I’m sorry if it seems like I’m coming down hard on you, but it’s from a place of genuine concern. You seem sweet, you’ve been kind to me; therefore, I like you, and I’d hate for you to get hurt in any way. I’m just doing what I can to help you out since you won’t let me place you in an office somewhere.”
    She giggled.
    “Please don’t make light, Maribel.”
    Her smile looked less mocking, but her eyes still sparkled as she said, “You can call me Mari.”
    Warmth gathered in his chest.
    “That sounds about right,” he said quietly.
    J im felt like the wind had gotten knocked out of him once Mari reappeared all ready to go.
    She had disappeared into her bedroom after grabbing a cup of coffee and reemerged looking all made-up and professional, and he wanted so badly to pull her to him.
    It felt so right to be there with her, so natural to wake up and see her, share morning coffee with her, watch her prepare for the day.
    As she got ready to leave, she cheerfully reminded him of food delivery places she’d taken note of, leaving all sorts of numbers behind, and, as she headed for the door, he reached for her, halting her steps and spinning her around to face him as he brought them closer.
    Before he knew it, his lips had found hers.
    She melted into his embrace and let him kiss her for all of two seconds before she pulled away violently.
    Shame flooded him.
    “Christ, I’m so sorry, Mari—I don’t know what got into me. It just felt so natural…”
    She took a step back, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
    He knew she was as affected as he was, but her face was riddled with indecision.
    She looked struck—confused and aroused all at once.
    “I’ll see you in a few

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