The Blood Detail (Vigil)
had heard. His description of her was red-headed, beautiful, and voluptuous. The informant then claimed he had his own people out looking for her, but she’d be hard to detect in the vicinity of a high school due to how young she looked herself—fifteen or sixteen was the best approximation he could give. Racine pressed him on this particular matter, insisting on knowing Theressi’s actual age. FANCYPANTS did not know that for sure, but he had been aware of Theressi since the 20s, but had only become close to her in the last couple of decades. Racine made special note of this, suggesting that the informant might have an emotional attachment to the woman, and it’d be preferable if the Detail caught up with her first. That last bit ended up being wishful thinking on his part. It took six months before the Detail received any kind of hit on this young/old woman. From everything I read in the report, they’d pressed hard too, going as far as checking the backgrounds of student transfers from every valley high school. But Theressi was too sly for that. Why actually attend school when you could just pretend to?
    Since she had left the Underground, Theressi had become friendly with a group of post-pubescent teenage boys. In exchange for daily doses of bloodletting, which she couched as a hot and kinky fetish, Theressi would have intercourse with each of the eight friends until they’d worn themselves out. They came back often, and brought additional willing victims. This adorable little scam came to a screeching halt when a parent discovered a deep puncture mark on her son’s neck and phoned the police, telling them that some young slut had been drinking her boy’s blood like it was going out of style. The reported assault went straight to the Detail. Douglass and Racine met the boy in question, and when he could not remember the girl’s exact address, he agreed to take them to the place he kept calling her parents’ apartment. On their way to the location, and free of Mommy’s influence, the boy explained to the detectives how sweet the girl was. All the boys liked her, a lot. She treated them as something special. “It was true love,” he said. “Real love.” I restrained my urge to vomit, and kept reading.
    The detectives and the boy arrived and made the apartment right away—it was on the second story, two doors from the end. Racine got out to watch over the place while Douglass took the kid home. When he got back, a Tactical team was in place. They all agreed it was safest to move in immediately because school was still in session and Theressi would most likely be on her own. They went door to door and removed everyone from the surrounding apartments, just to be safe. The Tac team went in from the front.
    The apartment was dark, and at first there was no sign of the suspect. But as they were moving to the first bedroom, a “stunningly attractive redhead” strolled out into the hall wearing only a pair of yellow panties. This distracted the officers just long enough for her to pounce, ping-ponging along the side of the wall and killing two of the men outright, and knocking another two unconscious. She raced into the living room where Racine and Douglass were waiting for her, their tranquilizer rifles in position to fire. She was quick according to their notations, the quickest of the subjects they’d ever encountered. She dodged every shot and bounced off the ceiling, coming down in a crouch on top of Douglass. She was about to tear into him when Racine came up from behind and shot her twice in the back with the tranqs. She swung wildly and knocked him down, pulling out the needles and resetting her rage on him. Douglass took no chances, scrambling onto his haunches and pulling out his traditional sidearm. He gave her one last warning, and when she did not respond—and with his partner’s life in danger—he pulled the trigger, shooting her in the temple. She fell over, DOA. Like before, this was the end of

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