The Bond

The Bond by Nikki Prince Shyla Colt Read Free Book Online

Book: The Bond by Nikki Prince Shyla Colt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Prince Shyla Colt
whispers spread through the room. “Hear the damning proof.” He raised his hands
and his second in command hit the remote. The recording of Logan’s phone
conversation began to play through the speakers on the wall.  
    Logan’s eyes darted back and
forth. “You don’t believe this is real, do you? It’s obviously a set-up! He
knows his time as Chief is coming to an end, and he’s not ready to let go.” He
waved toward Aren.
    “How dare you accuse my father of
treachery when it’s you who stabbed the man who groomed you to be his successor
in the back! You sicken me! How many others have you killed to get your way?”
    “Shut up, whore! I smell his
stench all over what was meant to be mine! You’d say anything to save his
    A ferocious growl rent the air,
and she swiped at him, leaving a claw mark across his face.   Logan froze, his eyes bleeding into the
yellow green of the puma, and he bounded. Rafael fired a shot but missed. He
rolled on the ground with Sanura in their puma forms. Rafael squinted, trying
to get a decent shot. If I miss and
incapacitate her, he’ll rip her throat out. Blood spattered onto the floor,
whose he couldn’t say. The crowd fell back in a rush to escape the battling
    A giant mass of wiggling golden
fur rolled across the floor. Powerful jaws took chunks out of each other’s
flank. A yelp sounded through the room. Someone was hurt. The larger animal
balanced on three legs. That’s my girl. She bared her teeth, her gaze locked on his throat. Thwack.
    This time his aim was true, and
the dart embedded itself in Logan’s side. If he let her kill him, she’d never
forgive herself. But when the animal was upon you and your emotions were
strong, human reasons fell to the wayside. He tossed his weapon aside, shifted
and bounded for the stairs. His mate needed him.
    When he reached her side, she was
like a frozen statue, still and unresponsive.   He mewled a greeting and padded closer. Her greenish yellow jewels were
glazed over, and she stared unseeing off into the distance. Alarm filled him
like quicksand, and he dove into their mental link. The mental area she existed
in was a barren wasteland. The cracked, dry floor reminded him of the savannas
they were originally from.
    “Sanura!” He swept the area with
his stare and found nothing, so he walked on. Where could she be hiding? The sun beat down on him, sweat beaded
on his brow and his upper lip. Twisted trees rose up from the land, warped and
dry like the lands they existed in. In the far distance he spotted one giant
tree. Squinting, he made out her shape. She sat on the ground with her arms
around her knees. Her loneliness broke his heart. Shifting to his Puma, he
loped across the desert and came to a halt in front of her. He nudged her arms
until she glanced up. He connected to her mind as he sat there in front of her in
his puma form, though in his mind’s eye he saw her in her human form and she
would see him likewise.
    He nodded.
    What are you doing here?
    I will always follow you, querida. Why did you hide inside yourself?
    I almost killed Logan, would’ve if you hadn’t knocked him out with your
dart. I lost control of my animal … that’s never happened before.
    You’ve been holding potent emotions inside you for a long time when it
comes to Logan. I don’t think anyone could blame you.
    It’s not who I am!
    I never said it was. No one is perfect.
    How can I lead anyone when I’m a loss cannon myself?
    You’re not. We’ve all come out on the wrong side of the battle with our
beast. That you haven’t until today is extraordinary.
    Don’t blow smoke up my ass, Rafael!
    I’m telling you the truth. In this matter I am older and have more
experience. You’d see if I lied.
    Gentle tendrils of awareness tickled his brain. Her sour disposition
shifted to something lighter.
    Now, are you ready to come
home with me, where you belong?
    “Yes.” She nodded her head, yielding a tiny

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