The Bull Rider's Brother

The Bull Rider's Brother by Lynn Cahoon Read Free Book Online

Book: The Bull Rider's Brother by Lynn Cahoon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Cahoon
    The marching band arrived at the stands where they sat. The band played a brass filled version of “Thriller.” JR danced on the sidewalk. Lizzie had taught him the steps during a power outage last winter when the ice storm made it too cold to play outside.
    James nodded to the impromptu dance audition. “He’s good. You always nailed that dance.”
    “Listen James, this is important.” Lizzie turned his face towards her.
    “You’re missing the parade,” JR yelled from the sidewalk. “Come over here.”
    “We’ll be there in a second.” Lizzie focused on James. “Aren’t you wondering who JR’s dad is? How old he is?”
    “I figured it wasn’t my business, especially since he’s not here.”
    “JR’s dad is here, James. JR’s five.” Lizzie waiting for comprehension, but only saw confusion.
    “Then why isn’t he here watching JR? Why do you have to rely on your dad?” James peered from her to JR and back. “Wait, he’s five?”
    “Six next February.”
    “We’ve been gone five years.” Uncertainty crossed his face.
    Lizzie sighed. She would have to say it. “James, JR is your son. I was pregnant when you left town with Jesse.”
    “Mom, come on.” JR called again from the sidewalk.
    Lizzie stood up and headed toward her son. “I should have told you, but at first I didn’t know for sure.”
    “And waiting five years is so much better.” James rose and walked with her.
    “Can we not talk about this in front of him?” Lizzie pleaded.
    “When are we telling him? When he’s ten?”
    “I won’t tell him anything if you can’t be there for him,” she said bluntly. “I mean, all these years, I didn’t even have a number to call so I could tell you . When you left, you were gone. But if you tell me you can commit to being there any time he needs you — ” She hesitated. “Then we can tell him after the parade. We’ll go over to the park and I’ll tell him.” Lizzie had imagined this day for years. Now the time was here, she dreaded it. How would JR react? He seemed to like James, but in less than an hour, he’d have a father and an uncle. His family tree doubled with one sentence. “JR, James is your father.”
    Lizzie hoped James would do the right thing. Her head rang with questions and she felt like she throwing up. In all the times she’d imagined this scene, it had never been like this: wondering if James could manage to be part of JR’s life even if he hated her. This morning he’d asked to get to know her again. Part of her life now was JR. Could he handle two for the price of one?
    Instantly she regretted telling him. Regretted not knowing which way the wind would blow for her or her son no matter what James said now.
    A hand tugged at her arm. “Mom, look, it’s the Rodeo Queen. She’s pretty, but not as pretty as you are.”
    She leaned down and hugged her son. “Thanks, buddy.”
    James leaned over JR and whispered, “He’s right. You’re the best looking girl here.”
    She glanced at him, tears filling her eyes. “You’re not mad?”
    “Oh, I’m mad, confused, determined, and downright angry. But it doesn’t change my feelings for you.” He looked down at JR, back at her. “I told you if you needed anything to call me and I meant it. I still do in spades, but I need to wrap my head around what happens next.”
    Emotions in a knot, Lizzie turned back to the parade. That was the question. What happened now? The world had shifted this weekend and she didn’t like instability. She stood at the edge of the sidewalk, watching the parade pass by and wondered when the next earthquake would strike.

    Lizzie, James, and JR sat at a picnic table at the park — the same picnic table they’d claimed last night. Families milled around them having impromptu picnics while kids chased balls and dogs followed, barking. It was a scene from a Norman Rockwell painting until you got to their table.
    Lizzie had popped her head into River’s

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