it was strangely magnetic.
She started talking again right away. “Do you think we’ll all fit on one bus? Or maybe they make two trips? I can’t believe they don’t let you drive up to the school yourself. My dad says that’s a good safety precaution, but I think it’s a little much, don’t you?”
I gave her a nod, but didn’t speak. I focused on dragging my trunk and not letting it whack me on the back of my heels with every step. She barely seemed to notice, talking about how her mother was a lawyer who worked in the district attorney’s office, and how her dad had driven her to orientation, which was a really long drive because they lived outside Seattle, but he said he’d take her because it would be such an incredible experience. According to Esther, six people in the United States House of Representatives and two in the Senate had gone to Delcroix, not to mention the guy who’d just become the new Supreme Court justice. Naturally, I had known nothing about this, but Esther actually seemed to know and care about politics.
Besides that, Esther clearly liked to talk. I mean really, really liked to talk.
I decided that was okay, because if she kept talking, I wouldn’t have to.
We joined the group of kids milling around in front of the bus. The door opened with a hiss, and two guys jumped out. I stopped and stared. It was Cam and another guy I didn’t know. Just looking at Cam erased all my doubts and fears, and brought back that hopeful feeling I’d been left with at Bev’s.
Cam shook his shaggy hair from his eyes and held up his arms. His biceps bulged impressively from under a dark green T-shirt. A gold dragon hovered over the word delcroix on the front, and the word staff was sprawled across the back in matching gold letters.
“Hey, everyone, could I get your attention for a minute? Trevor and I have a few things to tell you before we board the bus.”
The girls began to whisper to each other as soon as they got a look at him.
“You can have my attention any time you want, Mr. Gorgeous,” Esther said under her breath.
“I’m Cam Sanders. I’m a junior at Delcroix. I’m one of the orientation staff here on campus early to help get you settled. With me is Trevor Anderly.” He motioned toward the other boy, who also wore a staff T-shirt. Trevor was a few inches shorter than Cam, with close-cut blond hair and light blue eyes that seemed to take in every person in the crowd at once. When he locked his gaze on me, something about that stare made me shiver.
“Trevor’s also part of the orientation staff and one of the team leaders. He’ll be giving you a tour of the buildings and grounds. The rest of the upperclassmen arrive next week. For now, you have Delcroix all to yourselves.”
There was scattered clapping, which Cam acknowledged with a smile, even as he raised his hands for quiet. “As you probably know from the packet you received in the mail, the next couple of days will be dedicated to orienting you to Delcroix and getting you settled into the Residence Hall—or the Res, as we like to call it. Today we have some welcome activities planned, and you’ll have time to get unpacked and meet your roommates. Tomorrow you’ll get your class schedules, meet with your advisers, and get to know your teachers. Wednesday you’ll break into your freshman teams. Your classes start on Thursday, but don’t worry, we’ll keep you busy until then.”
A murmur started in the crowd, and a few people raised their hands.
Cam shook his head. “I’m sure you have lots of questions, but let’s save them until we’re up at the school.” He turned to the bus and patted the door fondly. “This is the old Silver Bullet,” he said. “She’ll take you to and from school, and today she’ll be running extra trips to get your gear up to the Res as well. If you go home for the weekends, you must be back in the parking lot ready to catch the bus at seven thirty a.m. on Mondays.”