The Carrier (The Carrier Series Book 1)

The Carrier (The Carrier Series Book 1) by Diana Ryan Read Free Book Online

Book: The Carrier (The Carrier Series Book 1) by Diana Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Ryan
but found little will to send him away. Maybe this was what I
    “I still love you,” he whispered right before
his lips touched mine.
    I kissed him back for a quick second. But the
physicality of it jolted my logical brain into action. Getting back together
with Aaron was not a good idea.
    “No!” I pulled back quickly. “Aaron. You need
to go. It’s over between us. Forever.”
    “Aw, sweetie,” he pulled my waist in closer to
his, “you don’t mean that. Think of all the good times we spent together.”
    I squirmed in his arms, trying to break free,
but he was too strong.
    “Let go of me!” I screamed.
    “You’re my girl, Ava.” He grabbed my wrists and
squeezed too hard as I tried to yank them free. “I need you.”
    Panic began to fill my heart. “ Ow ,” I whined. “You’re hurting me!”
    He released me a little, but still gripped my
wrists and stood close.
    “I can’t live without you. Please...”
    “Aaron, let go!” I whined again, trying to hit
him with my fists.
    “Hey!” someone called from the middle of the
street. “She said let go!”
    Footsteps quickly ran up the sidewalk, and then
I heard Aaron grunt and he released me, falling suddenly to the ground.
    “Ava, are you alright?”
    It was Nolan. On my front
steps. Punching out my ex-boyfriend.
    My jaw dropped. Where did he come from?
    Aaron scrambled to his feet and swung wildly at
Nolan, missing horribly. Nolan pulled some kind of fancy move, catching Aaron’s
arm and using it as a lever to flip Aaron over his head and flat to the ground,
    It looked like it came right out of a movie.
    Chests heaving, they stared at each other for a
moment and I wondered what would happen next. Blood trickled from Aaron’s nose
onto my parent’s front lawn, and then he got up, ran to his car and drove off.
    Nolan was back at my side, his hand on my upper
arm. “Are you hurt?”
    I shook my head, still stunned.
    “Who was that jerk?”
    “My ex-boyfriend.” I
took a deep breath and let it out. Then I met his eyes, full of concern. “That
was scary. Thanks.”
    “You’re welcome. Don’t worry about him. I bet
he won’t be coming by anymore.”
    “Where did you learn to fight like that?”
    “Oh, I don’t know. Must have been the karate I
took as a kid.”
    “Obviously,” I said, trying to laugh through
all the emotions racing through me. I let my knees sink with relief and I sat
down on the front steps. Nolan joined me.
    “You’re not okay. You’re shaking.”
    Get a hold of yourself, Ava!
    “I’m fine.”
    “How is it, might I ask, that you always happen
to be right within reach when I need help?” I smiled, trying to hide my
nervousness. “Are you stalking me, sir?”
    “It would seem so, wouldn’t it?” He smiled
adorably. “The truth is , I’ve just discovered I’m your
neighbor for the summer.” He pointed across the street to the cabins across the
alley in the next block over.
    “Boat Tours housing? I
should have known.”
    “You should come over sometime and see my
    My heart smiled along with my lips. “You know,
I’d like that.”
    “How about tomorrow? After work? You’re the local. You could come see my cabin
and then take me around to all the best spots in town.”
    Excitement mixed with nerves coursed through my
veins. “Sure. Sounds great.”
    Nolan stood up to leave.
    “Thanks again, Nolan.”
    “My pleasure.” His
bright smile melted my heart. “Goodnight, Ava.”
    “Goodnight, Nolan.”
    I watched him cross the street, turning back
once to wave at me. He trekked through the lawn of the houses on the other side
and then crossed the alley and into Animal Island. A wonderful feeling filled
my heart. I was going on a date with Nolan Hill.
    I stopped at the front door because I heard my
parents quietly arguing in the living room on the other side of the door—an act
uncharacteristic of their marriage. I knew eavesdropping was wrong, but I
couldn’t help myself.

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