The Childe

The Childe by C. A. Kunz Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Childe by C. A. Kunz Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Kunz
you safe. Oh, and I haven’t told you to not pick your nose in public for years now,” she said, finally allowing herself to smile.
    “I promise,” Cat whispered in her ear, giving her a big hug and then moved toward the foyer.
    “Mom give you the 5 th degree?” Taylor asked.
    “Yeah, but it’s okay, that’s how she is, you know that,” Cat said reaching for the front door handle.
    “Have fun!” Sam yelled from the kitchen. He chuckled as he heard their quick response, “We will!”
    Flinging open the door, Cat barely stopped herself from running into Julie who was poised to ring the doorbell. Without a word, she grabbed a hold of Julie’s hand and rushed her to the car.
    “Bye Mr. and Mrs. Colvin,” she yelled over her shoulder as a laughing Cat pushed her into the back seat and jumped in after her.
    Turning on his dome light, Taylor leaned over the seat and glared at the pair. “I’ll not be in charge of you tonight. I’m only transportation. You screw up and you’ll have the parents to deal with. ‘Cuz when we get there, you’re on your own. Understand?”
    “Yeah, we understand. It’s not like we’re two. We can take care of ourselves you know!” Cat replied, rolling her eyes.
    Why can’t the parents see that? Then maybe I could get her out of my hair , he thought as he started the car.
    Approaching the carnival, the view was truly magical. Bright colorful lights danced against the night sky. Scrambling out of the car Cat and Julie were immediately hit with the delicious smells of kettle corn, roasted peanuts and corndogs. A mixture of noises filled the air. People laughing, screaming, the carnies enticing guests to partake in their games of chance, and the sound of the roller coaster groaning as a car full of people went by. Wonderful chaos, Cat thought.
    Leaving Taylor behind, they made their way to the entrance. Spying their other friends, they made a beeline to them. “Oh my gosh! All these years we’ve been going to the carnival, I’ve just now realized that this is where I belong. I feel so at home here,” Amanda said dramatically, putting her hand over her heart and a serious look on her face. The group all rolled their eyes at her.
    “Is this your new phase, do you feel you’re a carney now?” Cat asked, putting her arm around her as everyone laughed.
    “You guys just don’t understand the complex nature that is me. I’m looking for my true roots. Unlike you all who don’t take the time to find yours,” she replied with a huff.
    “I’m only kidding silly. Lighten up. Let’s go have some fun!” Cat turned around and led the way to the ticket counter. Each wearing a wrist band, they joined the sea of people moving through the entrance. It was surprisingly a nice night, with no rain in sight and a cool breeze flowing over them. Cat could feel the pulse of the carnival, almost as if it were a living, breathing entity, whose sole purpose was to delight all who entered.
    “We need to go on that one!” Amanda yelled, pointing at the Hurler. Cat and Julie looked at each other and dramatically shook their heads no.
    “I’ll go on it with you Amanda!” Matt exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.
    “Great! At least someone’s brave enough to go on it with me…Elle, what about you?
    “I don’t want to go on it!” Elle whined, moving out of Amanda’s reach. “I’ve got to pee!” she squeaked, pointing away from the group.
    “You’re not getting away that easy, missy!” Amanda said grabbing her arm as Matt grabbed the other.
    “We’ll meet you at the house of mirrors in about an hour. Let’s go!” she declared, as they frog marched Elle toward the ride.
    “We should’ve saved her from them,” Julie remarked, linking arms with Cat.
    “She’ll be alright. You know Elle, once she gets on a ride she’s fine and then she’ll go on everything. Let’s go and explore,” Cat said dragging Julie down a row of midway games.
    “Wanna play?” Cat asked scanning the

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