The Childe

The Childe by C. A. Kunz Read Free Book Online

Book: The Childe by C. A. Kunz Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Kunz
in a headlock as she rubbed her head.
    “Hey Elle, what happened to tryouts?” Hannah asked coming up behind them as they were exiting the gym.
    “Well no one showed, so I’m it by default…uh, I’ve got to pee!” she squeaked, hurrying toward the bathroom at the end of the hall.
    “Is she okay?” asked Hannah.
    “It’s the nerves, she’ll be fine though. She just needs time to warm up to the idea of being in the spotlight,” Cat explained.
    “Hey Hannah, how do you like our art teacher Mr. Rosenbaum?” Matt queried, unaware of her blushing pink cheeks.
    “He’s, uh, really cool, and uh, I think it’ll be fun,” she replied quickly, her nerves evident in her voice.
    Oblivious to her embarrassment, Matt continued. “Yeah, I agree. I’m not much of a painter but I’m gonna give it a try.”
    “Don’t be so modest. Hannah, last year our Matt here won second place at the town youth art fair. Though, I couldn’t make out what he painted,” Amanda joked, punching him in the arm.
    “Hannah, do you need a ride home?” Cat asked.
    “No, my brother’s supposed to drive me, but as you can see he is nowhere to be found. Mom will kill him if he has forgotten about me.” She grinned. “I love it when he gets in trouble.” Everyone laughed. Hannah quickly glanced over at Matt and Cat saw her blush deepen even more.
    Looks like Hannah might have a thing for Matt , she thought. Matt turned in Hannah’s direction and she quickly dodged his glance.
    “Hannah, what are you doing? Where have you been?” A harsh voice came from behind them.
    “Oh Isaac, so nice of you to show up!” she replied with her hands on her hips.
    “Let’s go, now!” he growled, roughly grabbing her by the arm and pulling her behind him. She turned and waved, giving the group a mischievous grin. Cat laughed as she realized that she was not going easily, but dragging her feet, as Isaac tried to hurry her along.
    Isaac slammed the car door shut and sat looking straight ahead. “How dare you embarrass me if front of those cretins? What have I told you about talking to them? They’re not like us. Mortals are below us! What will it take for you to understand this?” he exploded.
    Hannah turned and looked at him, her eyes blazing with anger. “Me? What about your behavior? Acting like you’re a God and everyone should jump when you say jump. I’ve decided that I’ll make friends with whomever I want to and if you don’t like it, tough! Deal with it! What have they ever done to you to make you so hateful? You and mother are just alike, cold and unfeeling. I’m glad I take after dad. I’d hate to be like you. Now we’d better get home, otherwise we’ll be in big trouble. Remember mom told us to come home right after school!” She turned and looked out the passenger side window trying not to show him the fear she felt. She had never talked that way to her brother before, but from somewhere deep, this other part of her had lashed out.
    Isaac sat looking into the rear view mirror. Did she really just talk to me like that? My little, quiet sister? What have those people done to her? He thought, his hands grinding on the steering wheel. Without a word, he started the car and gunned it out of the parking lot.
    “Poor Hannah,” said Elle, having returned from the bathroom just in time to witness the incident. “I wouldn’t want a brother like him, he’s horrible. This is why I’m glad I’m an only child.”
    Isaac and Hannah rode home in silence. As soon as the car stopped in the driveway, she jumped out and ran inside the house, slamming the front door behind her. As she made her way down the hall, she heard noises coming from her father’s study. The door was propped slightly open. She peeked in and saw her father on his hands and knees looking under his desk. The room was in shambles. Books and papers were strewn about as if a tornado had just passed through. She was surprised to see him awake and in such a state of

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