The Chocolate Moose Motive: A Chocoholic Mystery

The Chocolate Moose Motive: A Chocoholic Mystery by JoAnna Carl Read Free Book Online

Book: The Chocolate Moose Motive: A Chocoholic Mystery by JoAnna Carl Read Free Book Online
Authors: JoAnna Carl
and pushed her to wear sexy clothes and act in ways—well, ways my grandmother didn’t encourage. In high school, Fran’s popularity wasn’t always the kind everyone envies.”
    “The class slut?”
    “I wouldn’t go that far. More the class tease. Fran is married now, and I think she lives in Grand Rapids.”
    Sissy and I both sighed. I couldn’t think of any remark to make about the situation with Helen, so I changed the subject. “Any comments after your first day at TenHuis?”
    “I’m glad you put a limit on how much chocolate the employees can eat. I could gain a lot of weight.”
    “Two pieces a day. And I eat both of mine every day. Is your grandmother shocked at your working for people whose livelihood is based on refined sugar?”
    “Not at all. She thinks each of us should follow his own conscience. Her diet ideas are preferences, not moral choices.”
    “I’d like to meet her.”
    Sissy laughed. “She’s a character!”
    We discussed a few more things, and it was time to close up. The workroom and the business office close at five. The retail shop stays open until nine during the tourist season.
    I went back to my office to get my purse. I felt that Sissy had made a good start on her job, and the ladies in the shop had seemed to accept her without drama.
    Which showed what I knew, because at that moment the next act of the play began.
    Enter: a good-looking guy with a lot of star power.
    He didn’t leap in like a swashbuckler or fall in like a comedian. He simply opened the street door and walked in. But he gave the effect of being announced by a fanfare of trumpets and illuminated by a spotlight.
    The newcomer had handsome features, true, but it wasn’t just his looks that brought attention. Personality oozed from every pore. He was tall, with sandy blond hair, broad shoulders, and a grin that was just slightly crooked.
    Behind the counter, Tracy caught her breath, and thesecond counter girl, Mary Ann, dropped a bonbon on the floor. My jaw began to fall; I barely caught it before it hit the desk. Time seemed to stand still. All three of us simply stared at him.
    The guy walked over to the counter, grinned his crooked grin, and spoke. “Is Sissy Smith still here?”
    Time began moving again when we heard his voice. Not that there was anything wrong with his voice, which was a pleasant baritone. But he didn’t issue a call to arms or break into song. He simply spoke in an ordinary tone.
    Tracy answered in a breathy whisper. “Sissy’s in the back.”
    The newcomer was still smiling. “I wanted to give her these,” he said. And he held up a bouquet. I’d been so fascinated by the guy that I hadn’t noticed he was carrying it.
    The bouquet was centered with tiny white flowers, almost like wildflowers. These were surrounded by broad green leaves. It was very different from the usual florist’s offering.
    Tracy moved to the door to the shop and called out. “Sissy!” This time her voice squeaked.
    Sissy walked around the corner with her head down. She was digging in her purse and held two TenHuis T-shirts (optional wear for business office employees) under her arm. “I’m coming,” she said. “Or, rather, I’m going. I’ve got to pick up the kid. Did I forget something?”
    Tracy squeaked again. “Someone’s here to see you.”
    Sissy looked up then. Her face was as blank as everyone else’s face for a moment. Then she spoke. “Chip!”
    She had stopped in the doorway to the shop, but the handsome guy moved around the end of the counter to meet her.
    “It’s sure good to see you,” he said, then leaned way over and tried to kiss her. I think he aimed for her mouth, but Sissy stepped backward, and he missed. All she got was an air kiss.
    “What in the world are you doing here?”
    “I brought you flowers.”
    “Oh. Well, thanks. But what are you doing in Warner Pier?”
    “I have a month’s leave.”
    “Are you staying with Ace?”
    “Better not let him find

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