The Christmas Vow

The Christmas Vow by Shanna Hatfield Read Free Book Online

Book: The Christmas Vow by Shanna Hatfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shanna Hatfield
took Toby to the zoo. Have you been? They have quite a wonderful exhibit of animals on display. You do live in Portland, don’t you? You really should make it a point to visit the zoo.” Tia rambled, but couldn’t stop herself. “Toby loved the bear exhibit best of all. Roland said he…” Her voice caught and tears burned the back of her eyes.
    “Come here.” Adam opened his arms and she rushed into them, soaking the front of his coat with her tears. For the first time since she’d left Hardman as a girl, she felt at home.
    The security and comfort she experienced in the circle of Adam’s arms was even better than she remembered. She took a deep breath and inhaled his scent, one redolent of fresh air and sunshine mingled with masculine strength.
    The fragrance had haunted her dreams and filled her nose at the most unexpected moments during the last eleven years.
    Why she thought happiness could be found anywhere beyond Adam she’d never know.
    Home, her true home, was right there in his arms. Due to one impetuous decision as a silly eighteen-year-old girl, she’d destroyed every chance of ever knowing that home again.
    Thoughts of all her foolishness had cost her compounded with the grief she felt over losing both Roland and Carl. Tears flooded her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.
    Time stilled as she stood in the alley leaning against Adam, enveloped by his care and concern. Finally, she pulled herself together and stepped away from him.
    “I’m so sorry, Adam. I shouldn’t… I didn’t mean…” The soggy, limp handkerchief she held in her hand did little to help with her tears.
    Adam took a snowy white square from his pocket and pressed it into her hand. “You never did carry a handkerchief that would get the job done.”
    The teasing smile he gave her made her want to cry all over again, but she wiped away the remnants of her tears, swiped her nose and stuffed his handkerchief into her coat pocket.
    “Thank you, Adam.” Tia reached up and straightened her hat, smoothed down her coat then picked up the letter from Cedric Devereux she’d dropped in the snow.
    Adam motioned to the letter. “What are you going to do about that? If you return to Portland, will you have to live with them?”
    “I still own a house not in Portland, although I’ve put it up for sale.” Tia sighed as Adam walked with her to the end of the alley and then down the boardwalk in the direction of the mercantile and Abby’s shop. “I don’t want to go back to Portland, at least not because Cedric is threatening me. There is no doubt in my mind he’d make good on it, too. He’s a powerful man and most always gets what he wants. However, he doesn’t have quite as much pull or power here in Hardman as he does there.”
    “If I can help you, Tia, let me know. What he’s plotting isn’t right. From the little I’ve seen, you’re a wonderful mother and your son should be with you.” Adam stared at her as they stopped in front of Abby’s shop.
    Uncertain what to make of his kindness after his harsh greeting when they first met that morning, she studied him as she placed her hand on the knob of the door. “I appreciate that, Adam, but this is my problem. I’ll figure something out.”
    Adam started to offer a comment, but the door opened and Toby launched himself against Tia. “Mama! Come see the pictures Erin and I made. We had the bestest time!” Toby noticed Adam and waved a hand at him. “Hi, Mr. Adam. Wanna see my picture?”
    “I’d like to, little man, but I need to get back to shoveling snow. You take good care of your mama.”
    “I will!” Toby waved again. Tia gave Adam an uncertain smile as she stepped inside and closed the door.
    Everything in Adam wanted to storm into Abby’s shop, take Tia in his arms and worry her peach-colored lips with the kisses he’d saved up for the last eleven years.
    Annoyed that he had so little control over his emotions around the woman, Adam hustled back to where he’d

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