The Confession
Father Brady’s blood
is an exact match. Based on this, John Brady is Gail’s
    All of the color left Adam’s face, and he crashed to the floor. The
agonizing sobs that ripped through him felt like fire. His wife had
sex with his brother. His wife was unfaithful, and the love that he
felt for her died. He felt hollow as if his life force
suddenly left him.
    “Adam, are you ok?” The concern in
David’s voice brought Adam back to the present.
    “No, I’ll never be ok.”
    The hours passed slowly, which gave
Adam a lot of time to think back. He furiously tried to remember
anything that would have passed for infidelity, but there were too
many gaps in his memory. Being a resident in training sucked up all
of his time. He continued to watch Lydia out of the corner of his
eye. Her face was flaming red, which was a sure sign that she was
    Walking over to his mother, Adam sat
down and rested his head on her shoulder. The simple gesture
brought back many memories. He reached out to hold her hand. He
felt like a little child running to Mommy when he had a problem.
Now he needed the comfort of his mother’s hand holding
    Straightening in his chair,
he once again looked at Lydia. She had fallen asleep leaning
against his father. Several minutes later, he went up to his
office. Still reeling from the shock, Adam went to his file cabinet
and retrieved Gail’s medical records . How had he missed this
all of these years?
    Slowly, he looked through
her file. The birth certificate clearly showed Gail’s blood type as
O Positive, which is obviously incorrect. How could the hospital
make such a huge mistake? Both he and Gail were Type O. Upon
further investigation; Adam came across old test results dating back several years when Gail had her
tonsils removed. Scrolling down the report, and to his horror, AB
Negative glared back at him. How did I
miss this?
    I am not Gail’s
father. A myriad of emotions ripped through
him. Oh, God, she is not my baby
girl! Adam covered his face with his hands
and cried a river of tears. In one awful night, he lost his
daughter. Turning his chair towards the window, he shut off the
light and closed his eyes.
    When he never returned to the waiting
room, Lydia sent him a text message. His phone vibrated against the
glass top of his desk. Adam looked over to see that Lydia sent him
a text message
    Where are you?
    I’m in my office.
    Why? What has happened? Is
it Gail?
    Gail is still in surgery. I
am reviewing her medical record. Can you come up now? I need to
speak to you.
    Ok, I’ll be there in a few
    Lydia sat next to her father-in-law and
tried to maintain a modicum of control as she read Adam’s message.
Taking a deep breath, she turned to Colin and said, “Adam is in his
office. I am going up there for a few minutes. Call me if the
doctor has any news about Gail. I’ll be back in a few

    Lydia walked into Adam’s
office feeling a sense of dread. The room was dark, and Adam sat
facing the window. He did not turn around to look at her when she
turned on the light. Taking a few steps closer to the desk, Adam
said, “What are we going to do Lydia? I just went through her
entire medical record. Based on the information I have now, Gail is not my daughter. We need a DNA test to confirm your
    “You still don’t believe I was faithful
do you? Why else would you want a paternity test? You said the
blood type confirms that Gail is not our daughter. You don’t
believe me, do you?”
    “I want to believe you, but
I find it impossible to comprehend that this hospital would make a
mistake and switch babies. It is not possible, so, that leaves only
one other conclusion. If you don't tell me the truth, then I
will have to discover it some other way.”
    In all of their years of marriage, this
is the first time Adam truly hurt her. “Well, if you won’t believe
I am telling you the truth, I guess there’s nothing else I can say.
Run all the tests

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