The Conquering Dark: Crown
mother, who had not even been safe in her grave from Ash’s abuse. The necromancer had tried to uncover the secret of Simon’s parentage, seeking the roots of his scribing abilities. His mother, who had no reason to be attacked other than to have fallen in love with a magician and borne his son, had refused to bow to Ash’s power. “What have you to do with Ash?”
    â€œWe go way back.” Nick actually smiled that he had surprised his old friend and the entire group. “Bit of a misunderstanding. I just need to vanish for a few years … or centuries. She has a long memory and carries a grudge like a Borgia.”
    Simon stared at Nick. “You never told me that you knew Ash. Even when I spoke of her, my suspicions of her, and my doubts about the Order of the Oak, you never said a word. You looked me in the eye, and you never said a word. Why?”
    â€œRight.” Nick took an angry breath and nodded spitefully, as if he had been forced into a decision that everyone would regret. He swung his feet onto the floor. When he sat up, he put a hand to his head with a sick groan. He froze as if the room was spinning. His voice was weak. “Simon, old boy, I’ve always wanted to tell you something. And I always hoped I’d never have to.”
    A chill seeped into Simon. He sat forward, watching the creases of pain deepen on Nick’s face. He heard the others shifting restlessly in the background.
    Nick stared at the floor. “It wasn’t an accident us meeting years ago. I was sent to find you. Ash had heard that there was a scribe in London, but she found it hard to credit. She had thought that Pendragon and Cavendish were the last two in the known world, and they were both dead.”
    â€œDid Ash know Edward Cavendish was my father?” Simon asked coldly.
    â€œNo. She had no idea and still doesn’t, as far as I know. Hell, I didn’t know until you told me last fall.”
    â€œAnd you never reported it back to Ash?” Kate accused.
    â€œNo,” Nick snarled at her. “That’s why she wants me dead. You see, I was charged with judging your skills, improving them as best I could, then delivering you to her if you were worthy. But I didn’t steer you to Ash as I was supposed to, and she hasn’t forgiven me.”
    â€œWhy didn’t you? Why would you defy Ash?” Simon was nearly incapable of speaking. He watched every small twitch that Nick made, listened to the exhaustion pouring out of the man as if he no longer had the energy to lie. The words felt like a jagged piece of glass tearing Simon’s stomach open.
    â€œI couldn’t do it.” Nick met Simon’s gaze, but now the scribe looked away. “She didn’t deserve you. You were better than that.”
    The room lay silent for a moment.
    â€œRot,” came Malcolm’s measured voice. “He’s a liar.”
    â€œYou’re right, Angus,” Nick said bitterly. “The entire time we were together, Simon, I was lying to you. But once I realized you deserved the truth, I couldn’t tell you.”
    Simon stood and walked across the room. “Why didn’t you at least tell me after Bedlam? You were leaving us anyway.”
    â€œBecause I wasn’t really leaving. I knew the battle was coming between Ash and Gaios, and Ash wanted you as her Galahad. I was afraid you would stumble into the fight just because you’re good at heart. I hoped I could protect you.” Nick noted the skeptical glances that met his words. “Fine. Not the greatest strategy, but it was all I had. I couldn’t tell you that I had been spying on you for years. Would that have pushed you to listen to me?”
    â€œSimon, throw him out,” Malcolm said. “Let Ash hunt him down and kill him if that part of his story is even true. And I hope it is.”
    Penny looked at Malcolm’s ferocious glare with concern.
    Simon stood behind

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