The Cowboy Soldier

The Cowboy Soldier by Roz Denny Fox Read Free Book Online

Book: The Cowboy Soldier by Roz Denny Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roz Denny Fox
Tags: Home On The Ranch
until storms start rolling up from the gulf.”
    When they were ready to go, the dog headed toward the door with them. He stretched and yawned, then trotted up to nudge Rafe.
    “You can’t go this time, Compadre,” Alexa said, stooping to rub his head.
    “Why not?” Rafe asked.
    “Park rules. Pets aren’t permitted on park trails, and if campers bring dogs, they have to stay in camp and be leashed at all times. Wild animals do roam the park.”
    They headed out the door to the barn, Alexa’s hand on his elbow to guide him.
    “Oh, that makes me feel better about riding blind,” Rafe grumbled.
    Scoffing, Alexa gave his arm a friendly punch. “Not to worry, big guy. I’ll save you from the raccoons, jackrabbits and skunks.”
    “Thanks,” he drawled. “I’m more concerned about the coyotes, javelina and black bear.”
    “Hmm. I’ve ridden the lower trails almost daily for five years and have never seen a bear or javelina. You’re more likely to come across a two-legged beast who’s fleecing frightened illegals and sending them on their own through the park to hit the highway that leads to Alpine.”
    “They could be more dangerous,” Rafe said thoughtfully.
    “They’re scum,” Alexa burst out. “And they go to great lengths to avoid a law-abiding citizen who has a cell phone.”
    “Okay, you’ve sold me. I’m counting on you and your phone to protect me.”
    She smiled at that, but of course he couldn’t see. “Do you want a mare to ride, or a gelding?” she asked. “I have two mares, Gigi and Willow. And a gelding, Loki.”
    “Are they all Andalusian?”
    “Loki’s an American quarter horse. The mares are no specific pedigree. How about you take Loki and I’ll ride Willow today. I took Gigi out last time.”
    “I’d offer to help saddle up, but…” Rafe followed Alexa into the barn then stood awkwardly, acting out of place.
    Alexa looked at his steel-toed combat boots, camouflage pants with cargo pockets and khaki T-shirt. She was about to suggest a clothes-buying spree when his cell phone rang.
    Rafe dug the phone out of a side pocket and answered. “Hi, Sierra,” he said after a moment. “Still can’t resist checking up on me, huh?”
    Alexa could hear a higher pitched voice coming over the line.
    “I guess I’m doing okay,” he said. “I helped train one of Alexa’s horses to change gait on command. She and I are about to head out on a trail ride in the park.”
    He listened intently, all the while making faces, which drew a laugh out of Alexa.
    “Yep, I said the same thing, Sierra.” He nodded. “Alexa promised it’ll be a cakewalk. What? She asked me not to call her Dr. Robinson. Sierra…there’s no one out here to worry about proprieties. Okay, you worry, I’m going riding.” He accepted the reins Alexa pressed into his right hand. “Gotta go,” he told his sister. “I’ll phone later and let you know how I did on the ride.” Clicking off, he tucked the phone away and gave the saddle a shake to test the cinch.
    “I wasn’t eavesdropping on purpose,” Alexa said. “Is your sister concerned about our lack of formality?”
    “It’s a Hispanic thing. Our mother was a stickler about using titles. A sign of respect, according to her.”
    “Ah, so your mother was Hispanic and your dad Native American?” Alexa inquired casually as she dropped down the fender and stirrup she had hooked over Willow’s saddle horn while she cinched up the mare. “I didn’t think about cultural taboos. If it bothers you, please go ahead and call me doctor.”
    “That’s Sierra’s hang-up. I take after my dad. We Native Americans are more laid-back. And Alexa is a pretty name. Unless you object, I’ll continue using it.”
    Alexa felt the heat of a blush climb her neck. Shaking it off, she crooked a finger through both bridle rings and quickly led the horses out into a leaf-dappled, autumn afternoon. “Does anyone ever like their name? I hated mine. Kids at school called me

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