the morning away and missed all the excitement. Good morning, Alicia Bell. Don’t you look pretty?”
The man nodded in understanding and Alicia let him go, putting her hands on her hips as she turned to her host with a glare. Slept the morning away? It was only nine o’clock. “Where is Jinny?”
Tracy pushed his hat back, his smile still firmly in place. “She went down a few hours ago with her mother-in-law and Miguel. I gave him the day off so they could pay a visit to the Doc, but by now they’re at the main house for the small baby shower being thrown in your sister’s honor.”
Luca chuckled. “Small, he says. I can’t believe how many Reyes have already descended on the ranch and it’s not even noon. Your aunt sent me with a list of supplies to get in town after I dropped off Old Man. She also wants to make sure you and Miss Bell will be there so Jinny won’t feel overwhelmed by her new family.”
“We’ll be there eventually,” Tracy affirmed. “I have some business to attend to.”
Alicia stood frozen, eyes wide when Luca nodded respectfully and walked to his truck without another word. Jinny was safe and the baby wasn’t coming early. Tracy wasn’t a murderer. Instead, he’d introduced her sister to her husband’s mother, gotten her a doctor appointment and put together a party for her in less than twelve hours. And Jinny had let him instead of brushing his ideas off the way she did Alicia’s.
The truck disappeared and she still hadn’t moved. It wasn’t until Tracy put his hands on her shoulders that she started to shake. “What’s this? Why are you trembling, Alicia? What is it?”
She shook her head and pulled away from him, walking blindly. “I’m fine. I was just surprised.”
Tracy was following her. “If you’re fine, why are you about to walk into the barn wall?”
She stopped and looked up in surprise at the wooden slats in front of her. Shit. She turned to find him closer than she’d expected. “She’s never up before I am. And she’s had a rough time with the baby. When she was gone and the bed was stripped I thought…” Horrible things, she shrugged. “I was worried.”
Tracy swore again, dragging her close and wrapping his arms around her shivering body. “Jesus, I’m a thoughtless bastard. The last thing I wanted to do was scare you. My intention was an intimate welcome to the family for your sister, but once the aunts found out about her, it took on a life of its own.”
He was rocking slightly on his heels, soothing her. He really smelled fantastic. She sniffled and buried her face in his white short-sleeved shirt. “That was very nice of you. I wish she’d woken me up to let me know.”
She felt his sigh on the top of her head. “She planned to. I suggested letting you sleep and bringing you down myself when you were ready. She was so excited to be meeting Miguel’s mother I think she might have agreed to anything.”
Alicia could imagine. She lifted her head and took a step back. She really needed some distance from this man. “Thank you, Mr. Reyes. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble but I know Jinny is over the moon. The least I can do is give you back your privacy. I’ll just throw my bags in the trunk of my car and go see if they need any help putting the party together.”
He stared at her with something in his eyes that made her heart start racing again. “What? Did she take my car?”
She started to look but he shook his head. “She didn’t take it. But I just got off the phone with a mechanic who’s on the way to pick it up. I poked around under the hood and kicked the tires this morning, and frankly I’m not sure how you got here in one piece. I’m tempted to take it out back and shoot it.”
Alicia frowned in consternation. “How long have you been awake? Because I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who could get into so much business that wasn’t his this early in the morning. Thank you for helping Jinny out, but
Ellen Fein, Sherrie Schneider