The Dark Rift: Redemption

The Dark Rift: Redemption by R. Brewer Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Dark Rift: Redemption by R. Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. Brewer
the force of the elevator slightly lifted her body, making her feel like they were going down very fast. She remembered Gypsum and the underground installation and realized they were probably going to be locked up again, but she didn’t care.
    “Please, she needs a doctor. She’s hurt bad. Can’t you see that?” a woman said.
    It took a moment for Mei to realize the voice must be Christy’s. She wanted to thank her, but couldn’t. A kind of numbness had gripped her face and was creeping down her spine. Mei realized she couldn’t feel anything in her hands or legs anymore. It was as if her mind had abandoned her body.
    She thought of her friend Leah, who was in so much pain when she died. Mei wanted to let go and join her, but a fuzzy picture appeared in her mind. Gradually, it came into focus. Jodie’s face. Jodie’s voice calling to her. Telling her not to give up. Pleading with her not to leave. The bell sounded again and Mei heard the elevator doors open. They moved into a hallway and walked to a room, where whoever was carrying her laid her on the floor.
    “Take them to the med room,” a man said. She recognized the voice and felt her jaws clench. It was David Martin.
    Mei forced her eyes open and looked upward, seeing Nick's face the color of a red ball of fire as he lunged toward David Martin. Mei could tell Nick was intent on doing the man serious harm. She let her mind formulate a thought based on the deep hatred she felt for all the Gypsum people. Whatever horrible things Nick didn't inflict upon this man, she would finish when she got the chance. She promised herself, if she were to come to an end, she would end David Martin's life first. Before she allowed herself to die, she'd make him suffer as much as she was right now.
    Christy lunged forward and was about to join in on the attack on David when Nick was shoved to the ground by the Gypsum guards.
    "Try that again, and I won't hesitate," the guard said, holding an automatic weapon against the side of Nick's head.
    "Get them to medical. All of them," David Martin shouted at the guards. "Get a gurney for that woman."
    The guards made no attempt to comply. For a moment, Mei thought they might all be killed.
    "I said now," David Martin said. "Or do you all want your names taken off the next transport list?"
    One of the guards left the room momentarily, returning with a gurney. They approached her and slid her onto a backboard. Mei could see David staring at her. She thought she saw something in his expression she hadn't noticed before. Something showing remorse, some little bit of hope. It faded as he turned on his heels and walked out of the room.
    "Come on, Nick. Let's go and see if they can fix you up before you get into more trouble," Christy said. She reached down and pushed the barrel of the gun pointed at Nick to the side. "He said, go to medical. We can't very well do that with that thing pointed at his head, can we?"
    The Gypsum guard slowly lowered his rifle. "That's okay. We'll have time later. Don't you worry," he said, his mouth opening slightly while he leered at Christy.
    Nick struggled to his feet as the Gypsum guard reached out and slowly stroked the side of Christy's face.
    Christy narrowed her eyes at him, her lips pulling back into a grimace. "You know, if we're ever left alone, I'll do things to you that you've never dreamed of," Christy said. "Even in your worst nightmares." She turned and held Nick back. "Don't worry about him. Let's go. Mei needs help right now."
    * * *
    Chuck Wending walked down the hallway toward the noise he'd heard earlier and kicked an overturned wastebasket, flattening it against the wall. He was frustrated and angry. Very, very angry. Frustrated that he hadn’t been there to protect Bob and because he had no idea where Jodie was. Angry because of what Gypsum tried to do to all of them, angry because he’d turned into this thing. A machine. A metal giant. A mutant. He reached out and casually put his

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