Totlandia: The Onesies, Book 1 (Fall)

Totlandia: The Onesies, Book 1 (Fall) by Josie Brown Read Free Book Online

Book: Totlandia: The Onesies, Book 1 (Fall) by Josie Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josie Brown
so. “But I like golf.”
    “Good. You can teach it to your son.” Her determined smile never wavered.
    In anticipation, he bought a full set of toddler-sized U.S. Golf Kids golf clubs, which he placed in the nursery beside the window.
    That she was carrying twins wasn’t as disappointing to him as the fact that both the babies were girls. “I guess this means our shot at a boy goes out the window.” He sighed.
    “Next go-round, right?” She meant that in all sincerity.
    “What, are you crazy? Two is more than enough. Besides, there are no guarantees it’ll be a boy.”
    She never had the nerve to ask him why he’d taken the toddler clubs out of the nursery and what he had done with them.
    If she thought he’d give up his weekend rounds of golf after the girls were born, she was sorely mistaken. While he golfed, she jogged with the girls in tow. Rolling their Bugaboo Donkey Duo stroller up Divisadero gave her biceps other women admired, not to mention an ass that turned men’s heads.
    But the only man whose head she ever wanted to turn was Scott’s.
    Unfortunately, these days he was too busy to notice.
    Jillian had no doubt that Clarisse had timed her dire announcement about the Pacific Heights Moms & Tots Club to take place here at the base of Fort Point so they’d at least be near a bench, should Jillian want to sit and talk about it.
    Appropriately enough, it was also a convenient place for jumpers who wanted to end it all.
    Jillian wasn’t that upset, but yes, talking it out might keep the tears at bay until she got the twins home in time for lunch and their baths. “How do you know the invitations went out already?”
    “A big-mouthed birdie told me. I ran into Sally Dunder, the Twosies’ group mom, inside Whole Foods. She says it was such a close call that they’re trying something different this year, whatever that means. It will be announced at next Monday’s meet-up, when the Onesies group is introduced to the rest of us.” She tightened little Travis’s hat. Already, she’d lost his pacifier to the brisk winds. “Bottom line: those who got in should have received their invitations by yesterday. Of course, the brunt of the applicants were long shots anyway.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “Between you and me, they look down their noses at working moms as well as single moms. And while no one will just come out and say it, I’m guessing they’re not too fond of anyone who isn’t at least a size four, either.”
    “I’m married, and I’m a stay at home mom. And I’m in shape—”
    “‘In shape?’ Sweetie, with all the jogging you do, I’d say you’re more like a   minus   two! My guess is you have a hard time keeping the weight   on .”
    Jillian shrugged. Yes, she was overdoing it. But she liked being lean.
    And Scott liked her slim.
    These days, though, she couldn’t tell if he liked her at all.
    She couldn’t think about that now. The last person she’d ever tell there was trouble in paradise was Clarisse, who knew everyone’s business.
    That’s why she’s the perfect person to ask why I wasn’t chosen for PHM&T’s Onsies group , Jillian thought. “What do you think they had against me?”
    “Got me.” Clarisse sighed. “Scott is well-placed. But they try for an even number of boys and girls. Maybe the fact that you have twins blew your chances.”
    Jillian shook her head angrily. “Well, I’m not going to leave one on someone else’s doorstep just to get into the darn club! I guess I could have faked having just one daughter and brought a different one to every other play date—you know, like   The Parent Trap .”
    Clarisse snorted at the thought, but the pitying look in her eyes was all Jillian needed to know that her friend felt sorry for her.
    “Got to go! Someone’s coming by this afternoon to give a bid on refinishing the deck.” It was a lie, but Jillian couldn’t stand sitting there any longer. She jumped up from the bench and stretched, then

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