The Deception

The Deception by Marina Martindale Read Free Book Online

Book: The Deception by Marina Martindale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Martindale
    "So," he asked, "what plans have you made for today?"
    "None so far, I'm afraid."
    "In that case, what would you say to taking a little drive and perhaps going hiking at Lake Pleasant?"
    "I'd love it." Her eyes lit up as she spoke. "I'll go get my camera."
    He waited patiently as she grabbed a sweater and loaded up her backpack. A few minutes later he led her to a late-model, bright-red Chevy sedan in the visitor's parking lot.
    "Nice wheels," she said as he opened the passenger door for her.
    He waited for her to settle in and fasten her seatbelt, then he slipped behind the wheel and they headed out.
    "So, how have you been?"
    "I've been good," she replied, "and I'm trying to keep busy. I'm in a feast or famine business. Last fall I was really swamped, but for the past couple of weeks it's been slow, so I'm doing some marketing. It looks like I'll have some new jobs coming my way in the next week or two."
    "Good to hear. I always seem to be busy. I have to work long hours and put in a lot of overtime. As much as I'd like to be able to spend time with you, Carrie, you need to understand, upfront, that I'm just not going to be that available. But I'll still try to see you as often as I can."
    "No worries. I sometimes have to work long hours myself and I'm not looking for anything serious right now. Remember, I just got out of a long-term relationship, and to be honest, I'm really enjoying having some time on my own."
    They stopped for lunch, sharing a large order of fries with their burgers. Scott managed to brush his hand against hers a few times as she reached for a fry. He tried to make it look unintentional, but Carrie knew better. She gave him a wink in return. She enjoyed flirting with him. As soon as they arrived at Lake Pleasant they hit the hiking trails. Along the way she stopped to photograph the desert, the lake, and the mountains. They finally stopped to rest at a spot with a scenic view, where they would remain for the next few hours.
    Scott continued to be fascinated by Carrie's stories of being a child model and local celebrity. He was surprised to hear that her childhood wasn't as happy, or as glamorous, as it appeared. While other girls her age played sports, took dance lessons, or just hung out with their friends, Carrie spent long hours in makeup chairs preparing for TV commercials or photo shoots and working under hot lights in dusty, draft-filled rooms. She made good grades at school, but she found herself rejected by her peers. The other children, particularly the other girls, were jealous, making her a social outcast. She described how painful it felt to be shunned and ridiculed by her classmates. She became a loner, with her only real friend being a boy named Alex. Allison would come along later, but by the time she finished high school, Alex and Allison remained her only real friends. Alex ended up going to college back east and they drifted apart once Doug came along. Even as an adult, however, Carrie remained a loner. Doug, Allison and Louise were still the only people she really knew.
    Scott wrapped his arm around her and she leaned against him as she talked. Afterwards he silently held her while they watched a spectacular sunset. The clouds turned pink and red as the sky turned orange, purple, and finally, a deep indigo blue. Carrie captured the images of it on her camera. It was nearly dark by the time they made their way back to Scott's car. He drove around some of the back roads, eventually pulling over and parking in a secluded area. A full moon illuminated the night sky, creating stunning silhouettes of rocky hilltops dotted with saguaro cactus. He reached down and reclined his seat back, saying that he wanted to kick back and relax for a little while. They'd been enjoying the view for sometime when he finally broke the silence.
    "Carrie, if you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?"
    "Well, I'll have to think about it for awhile."
    Scott patiently waited for

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