The Demon Side
would require a large drain on my reserve.
    “Are you going to help me or not?” Etta tried to extend her hand farther.
    I couldn’t resist her sheepish smile, but if this could become a bad habit of mine, I needed to get her a stepstool. Moving all of my energy to my five-foot long arm, I wrapped my claws around her wrist and yanked her up into the attic. She was slightly heavier than I pegged her for, by maybe fifteen pounds. It turned me on in my own sadistic way. What can I say? I am a big Demon and I prefer a woman with meat on her bones.
    Etta was a nice change from the last girl I decided to pick up and throw across the room. She weighed a hundred pounds and was almost six feet tall. I used to watch her make herself puke after every meal. She had dreams of being a supermodel. Posters of Tyra Banks and Cindy Crawford covered every inch of the bare walls. Boys would literally fight over that bag of bones. Quite honestly, being able to see a girl’s ribs grossed me out; it’s so unnatural. She and her parents were extremely easy to get rid of. It only took me three months, a little tampering with the mirrors in the house, and once she threw up her last meal, mom and dad moved.
    “Why did we come up here?” Etta smacked her hands back and forth on her hips, dusting herself off. I found it a little silly to be honest. I controlled her landing in the attic perfectly to make sure she didn’t disturb my sanctuary, so there should have been nothing on her. She probably did it out of nervousness more than she did it to clean off her baggy blue jeans.
    “Over here. Can you see it?” I walked to the far back corner where I kept my belongings, mostly little things that stuck out to me or annoyed me that I had taken from previous occupants. I’ve collected everything from quilts to pictures and even a few CD’s. But behind them all was where I kept my prized possessions: my armor, shield, and sword. I have only used them in severe cases when tenants simply would not get the hint. I used it on the last Marine that lived and died here. Poor guy hung himself with his belt. Wonder what made him do that?
    Etta walked past me to the far back corner. She studied a picture of a goat with a human face that sat on a throne of gold. I had stolen the picture of Lucifer from tenants back in the 1800s who were in a “Satanic” cult. They had been hilariously off base with their practices and beliefs. Trust me—no number of black candles could summon Lucifer.
    Her footsteps barely made a sound as she drifted around the mannequin I had stolen from a cross-dressing personal trainer. It was the perfect item to display my chest plate on. Her fingertips traced each black embossed line, which made a red pentacle the backdrop of my chest plate. She inspected every detail of my blood-red, black, and gold armor.
    “Ouch!” Etta stuck her finger into her mouth and sucked on it. The razor sharp spikes on my cuirass had pricked her fingertip even though her touch barely grazed them.
    “Are you okay?” Not thinking of my actions, I flashed to her side.
    “Yeah. So you’re a fallen, huh?” Etta asked, with a slight smile.
    “That’s usually how one becomes a Demon.” I waited for the smell of her fear to waft its way into my nostrils. Much to my surprise, I smelled nothing. Etta wasn’t scared or uncomfortable. With no way for her to escape, I could have easily ripped off her clothing and admired what she desperately hid so well under her loose-fitting clothes. But I grew more curious about where this conversation would go than about how her body would feel squirming under my weight.
    “You were an Angel once. What made you change sides?” Etta walked around the attic, examining each token of mine one by one.
    I knew I had to choose my words carefully, but for some reason when I neared her, I suffered from rambling fits. “Look outside the window behind you, down by the water’s edge. That is where I found myself. I woke up wearing

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