The Demon's Game

The Demon's Game by Rain Oxford Read Free Book Online

Book: The Demon's Game by Rain Oxford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rain Oxford
to get passed that. They both love you.”
    He didn’t understand. He never understood.
    We ended up going to Vretial, who was completely
unhelpful and told us he had no idea what happened. He tried to look through my
mind, but Hail didn’t have enough control to let him in. Although we considered
letting Hail’s magic go for a while, we decided it wasn’t worth it. The power
of the balance was too strong to risk someone influencing my mind.
    Over the next three years, I got used to the balance.
It was always there, always compelling me to act. I never remembered what
happened or what I did those three days.
    *          *          *
    “I don’t want eggs for breakfast! I want pancakes!”
    My brother’s cries woke me early. I couldn’t hear
Mom’s quieter response, but I got out of bed with a sigh. He would only get
louder until he got Dad’s attention. Yawning, I entered the kitchen to find Mom
and Hail sitting at the table, each with a plate of eggs. Hail stopped whining
and gave me his weepy face.
    “Ron, make pancakes.”
    Without a doubt, as far as mothers went, ours was
fantastic, but she couldn’t cook. Mom’s culinary abilities consisted of…
apparently scrambled eggs. I picked up Hail’s plate, wondering how they
achieved that particular shade of neon yellow… and turned the plate upside
down. The eggs stuck to the plate.
    “Mom… doesn’t the school provide breakfast?” I asked.
    “Oh, does it? That is the best news I heard all
month.” She looked so relieved it was difficult not to laugh.
    Dad walked in wearing a dress suit and pants and gave
Mom a kiss on the way to the coffee pot. Poor dad was so tired at his new job,
which was odd because he got to wear pajamas all day. Dad had worked as an
emergency doctor for a month as he and Mom tried to get things prepared for all
of us to move to Earth. He had to flash back and forth every day and was very
careful not to wear his work pajamas to Duran because he didn’t want to
introduce dangerous Earth germs to Duran.
    We all waited quietly as he sipped his coffee. I had
sampled the dark liquid once before and found it disgusting. I was still
waiting for the perfect time to trick Hail into drinking it, because he never
tried it.
    “Your class schedules arrived yesterday,” Dad said.
“I got you both in advanced classes, but they wouldn’t put Ron in sixth grade
because he’s too young.” His tone was resigned, as if he knew an argument was
    “So we’re in fifth grade?” Hail asked, predictably.
    “Sorry, honey, but the best I could do was get you in
the same school. You’re in sixth grade and Ron is in fifth grade. Seventh
graders are in a different building. This year, you’re going to have to be bear
with it. Next year, you’ll go to seventh grade and Ron will skip sixth grade so
the two of you can be in the same class. So, Ron…”
    “Show them all up so I can skip sixth grade? No
problem. Thank you for getting us in the same school. I know it wasn’t easy.”
    “No! We have to be in the same class!” Hail cried.
“Ron needs me! What if something happens?”
    Mom sighed and Dad looked apologetic. I knew Dad
spent every single spare minute with us, trying to give us the love and
attention he never had growing up. I took Hail’s hand and sent a gentle burst
of energy through him. He took the hint and shut up.
    “We haven’t got the bus schedule yet, so somebody has
to drop you off at school.”
    “Not it!” Mom declared.
    Dad laughed, kissed her, and told us we would be
going to school with a neighbor. He was getting more coffee as Mordon walked in
wearing jeans and no shirt. Dad’s very slight shifting from one foot to the
other was the only acknowledgement he gave his brother until he turned around.
    “There’s plenty more coffee.” Their usual banter
    Dad left after hugging Hail and me, and Mordon turned
to Mom. “So what are you really doing?”
    “There’s a demon

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