The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats)

The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) by Sorcha Black Read Free Book Online

Book: The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) by Sorcha Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sorcha Black
hands. “It’s like Ramsay said the other day. I’m loud. The guys that work at the shop with him can hear me sometimes on his days off, so they tease me.”
    “You’re loud? Are you into pain too?”
    “What? Me? No. I mean, He corrects me sometimes, but nothing like what you guys are into.” She shuddered as she added cereal to the cart.
    A picture of Saya over Ramsay’s lap, squealing and begging for mercy while he punished her ass flashed across Mack’s mind. He much preferred his victims willing, but the idea of inflicting pain on someone who didn’t enjoy it was interesting in a different way. Pretending to read the label on a can of soup he’d snagged from a nearby display, he tried to think of things that bored him to make his hardening cock behave itself.
    When they got to the beer section, Mack took care of hefting the case Saya picked onto the back of the cart.
    “Thanks. You saved me a trip to the chiropractor.”
    “Just don’t let me drink with Ramsay again and we’ll call it even.” As soon as the words left his mouth he wished he could take them back. The memory of Ramsay’s sexual threat whispered in his ear, and the hardness of the man’s cock against his ass made him grit his teeth. Had Ramsay told her what happened in the kitchen?
    “Oh, I think the two of you need to sort that out – naked and oiled up. I volunteer to referee.” She met his gaze and her eyes sparkled with mischief.
    Fuck . He didn’t think he’d been this embarrassed since high school, but there was no way he was going to let this little girl get the upper hand in this conversation.
    “No. We did our turn. Next time you and Winter have to amuse us.”
    “Us? And wh at do you suggest we do, Mack? I’m not good at wrestling. Winter will just kick my butt.”
    “That’s too bad. I guess you’ll just have to make out instead.”
    “That’s a pretty big jump , from wrestling to making out.” A blush had crept up her neck and settled in her cheeks. “Besides, I doubt I’m her type.” The heat in her eyes and her slightly parted lips told him that she was interested even if Winter wasn’t.
    Whoa. He’d been joking, but he wasn’t about to mention that if she was into the idea.
    “Why don’t we feed her a few drinks after practice tonight and see what happens?” Knowing Winter, she might find Saya an amusing enough piece of fluff to play with. It would be well worth watching even if things stayed vanilla.
    For a few moments she didn’t respond and Mack wondered if he’d shocked her. He shouldn’t have been trying to lure the poor girl without talking to Ramsay about it first. It was bad form from a kink perspective, but he was so used to Winter and her independence that it was difficult to remember that submissives had Dominants to answer to. There was just something about little Saya that made him want to defile her when he wasn’t protecting her. It made him feel dirtier than he did when he cut into Winter’s lovely skin.
    “’Kay,” she said, fiddling with a button on her dress. “I don’t think Ramsay will mind. I’ll ask him to make sure.”
    They arrived at the checkout just as his brain started straying to fantasies of the two women naked together. The ensuing bustle of paying and bagging helped him push the sexy thoughts to the back of his mind.
    He checked his watch. Winter would be finished work in fifteen minutes. Now he had to think of how to explain this whole thing to her in a way that wouldn’t piss her off. He’d just set her up to potentially be wank fodder for him and Ramsay. She went on sometimes about the objectification of bisexual women, but she hadn’t had any problem with gawking at his wrestling match with Ramsay. It had degenerated into sexualized groping so fast that she and Saya had seen what they were interested in seeing, more or less.
    Fair was fair, right?

Chapter Four
    The bass, the drums, Mack’s voice, all thrummed through her. They’d practiced the same

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