The Dragon Nimbus Novels: Volume I: Volume I

The Dragon Nimbus Novels: Volume I: Volume I by Irene Radford Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Dragon Nimbus Novels: Volume I: Volume I by Irene Radford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Irene Radford
The smell of Tambootie now dominated the camp odors. “Your aura, too, bears the colors of magic, traveler of Coronnan.”
    “If I were other than a weary wanderer, would I tell you?”
    “No answer tells me all, magician.” He laughed loud and long. The men joined him in the momentary revelry.
    Jaylor stiffened his spine. He didn’t see anything funny about being a magician. It was a talent he held with pride. Most of the time. As long as more adept magicians didn’t ridicule him because a traditional spell failed.
    He scanned the hollow nervously. The women were busy around the fires. He caught the eye of a girl just barely of marriageable age. She smiled and ducked her head flirtatiously. Her eyes continued to seek him through long lashes.
    “It takes the strength of a sledge steed to become a magician.” Zolltarn’s mirth eased. “I imagine you need much food and wine to maintain your powers. We’ll feed you well, magician.”
    Why did his statement seem unfinished?
    “Are you going to share this handsome stranger, Papa?” The girl who had smiled at Jaylor stepped into the light of the fire. She was tall, like her mother, with a majestic carriage that showed her splendid bosom to advantage.
    The men behind Jaylor moved back a half pace. Each man drew a knife from his belt and toyed with the overlong blade. Jaylor’s spine tingled with expectation of a killing blow at any moment. But he couldn’t concentrate on the men. The girl’s presence drew his mind and emotions.
    Shifting shadows enhanced her beauty. Jaylor’s bones melted as his eyes traced the clean lines of cheek and nose, full mouth, snapping eyes. She had the blacker-than-black hair of her tribe, the wild-colored skirts and deeply dipping bodice of the other women. But she was younger, slimmer, more beautiful. Much more beautiful.
    Suspicions faded from his mind, along with Zolltran, and the other men with their wickedly long knives.
    Once again Jaylor caught the enticing smell of musk and Tambootie. He felt himself falling into the alluring spell of the girl’s dark glance and blossoming womanhood.
    “Ah, Maija, you find this stranger pretty?” Zolltarn laughed as he pounded Jaylor’s back heartily.
    Zolltarn shouldn’t have been able to touch him! How had he penetrated the armor?
    “Pretty enough.” The girl slid onto the narrow piece of stump on the other side of Jaylor. Her bare arms brushed against him. The smoothness of her skin sent shivers to his groin. She, too, was touching him when her hand should have been repulsed. “And strong. He will breed sons with strong magic. We need strong men with stronger magic in the tribe.”
    This beauty presented a greater danger than any of the armed men. They could only deprive him of his life.
    Stargods! She could deprive him of his magic.
    Once more he scanned the scene, this time estimating his chance of escape. The men continued to ring the log where he sat.
    He stood, separating himself from the girl and her hypnotic beauty. “My road is long. I cannot afford to linger with you.” He stepped toward his pack and staff. When had he allowed them out of his grasp? A young Rover with broken teeth and a malicious grin stepped in front of the gear.
    Maija edged closer to him. The heat of her body penetrated the worn leather of his journey clothes. He felt his neck and face grow equally warm. Her breath whispered across his nape. Desire for her masked the danger of the men and their knives.
    He longed to enclose her in his arms, to fit her close against his body. Her womanly scent, heightened by Tambootie, clouded his senses.
    When did a magician know if his magic was strong enough to withstand an encounter with a woman? Was it before or after he achieved his quest?
    Did he dare take the chance?
    Not yet! He was too close. With a tremendous effort Jaylor pushed her away. A knife blade across his throat stopped any further movement.
    “Sit, magician. You will stay the night. You will provide us

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