The Dragon Savior of Tone: World of Tone: Book 2
imagine,” Naron said as he turned to the next page and she continued reading,
    “The ninth power is known to one and only one.
    Only one can possess the power, the power of the ninth.
    The dark cannot possess the power, the power of the ninth.
    For you cannot possess what you are not and cannot be.”
    “What does this mean?” Rammy asked.
    “A being is coming and he will have eight powers of magic. The rest of the book describes the conditions that will exist when he comes. The planters will start having problems with their planting. Humans will fight with each other and a number of other things will start happening,” Naron said as he closed the book.
    “What other things?”
    “Well, the ground will begin to shake from time to time; storms will become more frequent, last longer, and be more powerful. The plantings are already beginning to fail. You know what is happening between the sisters and that idiot who calls himself a king, he’s more like a thug. They will soon start their fight. You know the storms have become worse over the last ten set of seasons. Finally, I have heard that the ground has started to shaking in the far south valleys. You see, this all corresponds to the text.”
    “Yes, I see.”
    “Did you look into what's happening in Solana?”
    “Yes. They are building at least fifty war floaters and they have a group of at least one thousand men. Just like Southlake is doing. They are both preparing for a water fight.”
    “How many men do we have?” Rammy asked.
    “Approximately a hundred thousand spread between the caves and both the northern and southern lands. They are well trained and ready. We will have to act soon to deal with the sisters and that thug of Southlake. I don’t really want to run the entire coastal lands, but I may have no choice. We need to find this man the young fool talked of. We need to find out who he is and what he is capable of.”
    “What if he's this Draman?”
    “If he is, let's hope he is here to help us and not oppose us,” Naron said as they left the small room.
    “We need to alert all of our people to watch for him,” Rammy said as she sat down obviously dead on her feet.
    “I'll do that. You need to rest for a few sun-risings. You look like you're about to collapse.”
    “I wanted to get the information about this man back to you as soon as possible, so I pushed hard to get back here. It seemed incredibly important. Whoever this man is, he could change everything.”
    “When you're rested, I want you to go back to both Solana and Southlake. I need you to map out where the men and floaters are. If we need to deal with them I will have the information I need,” Naron said as he helped his daughter to her feet and her bedroom.

Map of the Lakes of Tone

Chapter 8 - Knowledge
    (The value of knowledge is beyond imagining.)
    - The Time of the Draman -
    Terra awoke on the sand and stretched. He thought to Fienna, “ Are you there, love? ”
    “ Yes, how was your sunset? ” Fienna asked. She had thoughts with him the sunset before, but she hated being away from him.
    “ Not good without you. I don't like being separated. ”
    “ Are you flying up the coast? ” Fienna asked.
    “ I'll be leaving after I take a swim. I'm going up the coast to find the gorge and waterfall. Then I am going to a clearing I saw on the north path where the trail splits. ”
    “ Is that where you're going to change to human? ”
    “ Yes. I hope I find some good humans. ”
    “ You will, I know you will, ” Fienna said this with conviction in her voice. She knew based on Terra and his mother and sister that most humans were good. They were just trying to raise their families and live in peace.
    After his swim, he changed back to a dragon, picked up his bag, and took off. He flew up the coast. As he flew toward the Lake of Solan, the cliffs grew in height. Where he had stayed, the cliff wall was two dragon lengths high, but

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